



advisors 基本解释
顾问,劝告者( advisor的名词复数 );<美>指导教授;
advisors 网络解释

1. 顾问:事实上,很多大学的顾问(Advisors)建议学生先念社区大学的转学课程,毕业后再申请大三的课程. 许多中国留学生虽然在美国读书,但却生活在华人圈中,信息相对闭塞,语言提高的速度也比较慢. 而美国社区学院扎根于社区,到那里去学习,

2. 年度计划基金策略顾问:APF Annual Programs Fund 年度计划基金 | Advisors 年度计划基金策略顾问 | DAF Donor Advised Fund 捐赠者建议计画基金

3. 顾问顾问顾问顾问:叶勇毅 Yung-ngai Yip | 顾问顾问顾问顾问 Advisors | 陈浩才 Ho-choi Chan

4. 顧問室:發言人室 Spokesperson | 顧問室 Advisors | 內政部 人口政策委員會 Population Policy Committee

advisors 单语例句

1. Citigroup has about $ 5 billion of its own money in Citi Capital Advisors funds.

2. advisors的反义词

2. Some of those named to the housing committee had acted as advisors to Leung during the CE's election bid.

3. It is not just eating that has caught the attention of lawmakers and political advisors smoking in public has also come under attack.

4. There is a separation of powers and advisors to the president under that constitutional principle are not generally required to go and testify in Congress.

5. Political advisors in northern Inner Mongolia autonomous region are raising the issue at local annual political consultative meetings.

6. He also asked political advisors to watch and study the global financial turmoil's impact on the domestic economy and contribute their talent to the administration.

7. That's why some legislators and policy advisors propose to cancel the " social cost " fees.

8. advisors的近义词

8. Legal experts of three universities and the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council have been appointed as advisors for major maritime affairs.

9. BEIJING - China's lawmakers and political advisors from judicial organs have vowed to continue cracking down on organized crimes this year to maintain social stability.

10. advisors的翻译

10. Jia called on the political advisors to carry out careful research and inspections into the draft issues in order to give more insightful advice.
