
adult [ˈædʌlt]  [ əˈdʌlt, ˈædʌlt] 


adult 基本解释

形容词成年的; 成年人的; 成熟的; (智力、思想、行为)成熟的


adult 情景对话


A:Can I help you?

B:Yes, I’m calling about the (continuing skills/ adult education/ summer school) program.

Continuing education program-(继续教育课程)

A:Hello, this is the admissions office. Can I help you?

B:Hi. I’m calling about your continuing education program.

A:What would you like to know?

B:I want to become certified in computer programming. Do you offer any part-time courses for adult further education?

A:Yes, we offer both night and weekend courses in a number of different subjects.

B:How do I sign up?

A:If you give me your address, I can mail you an infomp3ation packet and the application fomp3s.


adult 网络解释


1. 色鬼:他可是一个密切关注政治时事的人,由于最近日本狂性大发死灰复燃,他一锤定音般地将其斥之为垃圾(junk)、色鬼(adult)、婊子(prostitute)、蠢驴(ass)、下流(nasty)的魔鬼(evil)、流氓(scamp)和臭狗屎(excrement).

2. 成年人:也不是鲸(Whale),而是人(People). 所有的人都具有某些共同的特性,使他们有别于其他动物. 但是他们相互之间也是稍有不同的. 婴儿(Baby)与成年人(Adult)相同吗?不同. 他们的动作和说话都不同. 但是婴儿肯定也是人.

3. 成虫:复殖吸虫的生活史虽复杂,各种吸虫也有差别,但生活史的基本型则包括卵(ovum)、毛蚴(miracidium)、胞蚴(sporocyst)、雷蚴(redia)、尾蚴(cercaria)、囊蚴(encysted metacercaria)、后尾坳(囊内脱去尾部的虫体称后尾蚴metacercaria)与成虫(adult).

adult 词典解释

1. (法律意义上的)成年人
    An adult is a mature, fully developed person. An adult has reached the age when they are legally responsible for their actions.

    e.g. Becoming a father signified that he was now an adult...
    e.g. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.

2. 成年动物
    An adult is a fully developed animal.

    e.g. ...a pair of adult birds.

3. 成年的;属于成人的
    Adult means relating to the time when you are an adult, or typical of adult people.

    e.g. I've lived most of my adult life in London.

4. 成熟的;老成的
    If you say that someone is adult about something, you think that they act in a mature, intelligent way, especially when faced with a difficult situation.

    e.g. We were very adult about it. We discussed it rationally over a drink.
    e.g. ...dealing with emerging sexuality in an adult way.

5. adult的解释

5. (涉及性内容的电影或书籍)仅限于成人的
    You can describe things such as films or books as adult when they deal with sex in a very clear and open way.

    e.g. adult movie.

adult 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Kids want to feel mature by imitating adult behavior, and many see smoking as a symbol of being an adult.

2. adult的近义词

2. In Texas, someone younger than 17 generally cannot consent to sex with an adult.

3. adult什么意思

3. The plan aims to cap the adult obesity rate within 12 percent and set up major cancer treatment projects in high prevalence areas.

4. But Rowling's new adult novel The Casual Vacancy is still popular among Chinese readers.

5. Adult stem cells can regenerate and turn into different types of specialized cells to help the body heal itself.

6. Since children are generally more adaptable the cultural problems related to hiring an ayi are more likely to be adult related.

7. It may take years for an adult to change her character, which was formed in the process of growing up.

8. The change in attitude follows the launch of a State regulation earlier in the year to safeguard the rights of adult students to have children.

9. A second adult skeleton added further evidence of Coelophysis'good character.

10. Babies under two can ride free of charge with limits of one child for every adult.

adult 英英释义


1. adult什么意思

1. any mature animal

2. a fully developed person from maturity onward

    Synonym: grownup


1. adult

1. (of animals) fully developed

    e.g. an adult animal
           a grown woman

    Synonym: big full-grown fully grown grown grownup

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. designed to arouse lust

    e.g. pornographic films and magazines
           adult movies

    Synonym: pornographic
