






adopts 基本解释
采用( adopt的第三人称单数 );收养;正式接受;吸收;
adopts 单语例句

1. The company adopts advanced international management methods, and has a group of professionals in management and business.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. The model adopts a sedan chassis design, sedan interior decoration and MPV style seats.

3. Hunan cuisine adopts a lot of fresh, or briefly marinated chilli in foods.

4. adopts

4. The pavilion adopts the color of its national flag and waiting halls take the shape of palm trees to reshape the natural scenery of Nigeria.

5. It has already been submitted to legal authorities before the government adopts the regulation and backs it with administrative authority.

6. Ahmadinejad spoke in a far more conciliatory tone than the one he usually adopts, avoiding fiery denunciations of the West with a call for talks.

7. In accordance with China's existing laws, the state adopts a classification administrative system for foreign investment.

8. China consistently upholds the policy of no first use of nuclear weapons, and adopts an extremely restrained attitude toward the development of nuclear weapons.

9. It adopts the world's most advanced high technology from the United States and Europe to reach the international level.

10. adopts的意思

10. It adopts the fine wool, the soft and warm cashmere and cotton.
