
adoptive [əˈdɒptɪv]  [əˈdɑ:ptɪv] 

adoptive 基本解释

形容词收养的; 有收养关系的; 被采纳的; 装出来的

adoptive 网络解释

1. 收养关系的:adoptionist 信仰者 | adoptive 收养关系的 | adorable 可爱的

2. 采用的:adoptive 收养关系的 | adoptive 采用的 | adoptorcarryoutmeasures,policies,courseofactiontotake 采取

3. 收养的、领养的:Corporation 公司 | Adoptive 收养的、领养的 | Federal budget 联邦预算

adoptive 词典解释

1. 收养的;有收养关系的
    Someone's adoptive family is the family that adopted them.

    e.g. He was brought up by adoptive parents in London.
    e.g. ...her adoptive mother.

2. 所选择居住的;移居的
    Some-one's adoptive country or city is the one that they choose for their home, although they were not born there.

    e.g. They threatened to expel him from his adoptive country...
    e.g. Galway in Ireland is my adoptive home.

adoptive 单语例句

1. The children were then labeled as orphans ready for adoption and some were taken overseas by foreign adoptive parents.

2. adoptive什么意思

2. " It's very important, " adoptive mother Susan told Xinhua.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. A group of children mourn in front of the portrait of their deceased adoptive father, pondering life without the man who saved 400 children from the streets.

4. adoptive

4. The Chinese side requires that applicants be older than age 30, whereas single adoptive applicants should be younger than 50.

5. Puppies take about the same amount of time as tiger cubs to develop, and Harvey said the adoptive mother just recently weaned her own puppies.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. Deng knew the baby could live 20 to 30 years with a successful operation, but it would be extremely difficult to find him an adoptive family.

7. He says the government has issued strict regulations for international adoptions and monitors adoptive families to ensure the children have healthy developments.

8. When she went on a quest to meet her birth mother, it created a rift with her adoptive parents that persists to this day.

9. Angel Mom collects funds from wealthy people to provide medical help to the disabled children and finds adoptive parents for them.

10. The adoptive mother surnamed Guo cut off the boy's hands in the early morning of April 1 this year and threw them into the toilet.

adoptive 英英释义



1. acquired as your own by free choice

    e.g. my adopted state
           an adoptive country

    Synonym: adopted

2. adoptive

2. of parents and children
    related by adoption

    e.g. adoptive parents
