
administration [ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃn]  [ ædˌmɪnɪˈstreʃən] 


administration 基本解释

名词管理; 实行; (政府)行政机关; (法律、处罚等的)施行

administration 相关例句


1. Her work involved more than administration of first aid to the wounded.

2. The last Administration did a lot to curb inflation.

3. The administration of a big business requires skill in dealing with people.

administration 情景对话

Apply for a school-(申请学校)

A:I’m trying to decide what school to apply for.

B:Are you thinking about a public school or a private one?

A:I’m not sure. What’s the difference between them?

B:Public schools are usually state funded, whereas private schools usually get their funding elsewhere.

A:Which is better?

B:One isn’t necessarily better than the other. It depends a lot on the school administration and the teachers.

A:I hear you have to wear unifomp3s at private schools.

B:Yeah, sometimes.

administration 词典解释

1. 管理;经营;行政事务
    Administration is the range of activities connected with organizing and supervising the way that an organization or institution functions.

    e.g. Too much time is spent on administration.
    e.g. ...a master's degree in business administration.

2. 实施;执行;监管
    The administration of something is the process of organizing and supervising it.

    e.g. Standards in the administration of justice have degenerated...
    e.g. The cost of administration is around £500.

3. (公司或机构的)管理部门,行政部门
    The administration of a company or institution is the group of people who organize and supervise it.

    e.g. ... a member of the college administration.

4. administration的反义词

4. (尤指美国)政府
    You can refer to a country's government as the administration; used especially in the United States.

    e.g. O'Leary served in federal energy posts in both the Ford and Carter administrations...
    e.g. He urged the administration and Congress to come up with a credible package to reduce the budget deficit.

administration 单语例句

1. MetLife is working with the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on business registration and other requirements related to the new entity.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. The figures are among the latest indicators of business recovery, the park's administration said yesterday.

3. administration的解释

3. This is where Hong Kong's experience in modern business management and sport administration according to the law can make a difference for the better.

4. It resumed the business in September, after getting a letter by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

5. If it fails to do so, the industry and commerce administration authorities may cancel its business licence.

6. The administration believes that law lets the government avoid provisions of the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. Chief Secretary for Administration Henry Tang has pledged to promote development projects in Hengqin to the business sector in Hong Kong.

8. Though the document itself would not necessarily represent the stance of the Obama administration, it will act as guidance for the president to formulate his intelligence strategy.

9. The company got the necessary approval from the State Drug Administration only last week and is now busy marketing the medicine.

10. Administration officials said Bush was not backing away from the sanctions, under legislation he signed into law in December known as the Syria Accountability Act.

administration 英英释义


1. the act of meting out justice according to the law

    Synonym: judicature

2. the act of administering medication

    Synonym: giving medication

3. the act of governing
    exercising authority

    e.g. regulations for the governing of state prisons
           he had considerable experience of government

    Synonym: government governing governance government activity

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. a method of tending to or managing the affairs of a some group of people (especially the group's business affairs)

    Synonym: disposal

5. administration

5. the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something

    e.g. he claims that the present administration is corrupt
           the governance of an association is responsible to its members
           he quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment

    Synonym: governance governing body establishment brass organization organisation

6. the tenure of a president

    e.g. things were quiet during the Eisenhower administration

    Synonym: presidency presidential term
