
adjuvant ['ædʒʊvənt]  ['ædʒəvənt] 

adjuvant 基本解释



adjuvant 网络解释


1. 辅助剂:在药物治疗选择上,包括非类固醇镇痛抗炎剂(NSAID)、辅助剂(Adjuvant)及类鸦片药物(Opioid)等. 镇痛抗炎剂可用於轻度疼痛,辅助剂是增强止痛药的镇痛效果及缓减其产生的副作用,类鸦片药物的止痛最佳,对中度或强度疼痛可优先考虑.

2. 添加剂:添加剂(adjuvant)是添加在农药制剂或农药喷施溶液中,具有改变农药生物活性和喷施特性能力的任何化学物质. 添加剂已被广泛地应用于杂草的化学防治之中,除草剂添加剂的品种已有几千种之多,全球农药添加剂的年销售额约为十亿美元.

3. 助剂:GSK公司的研究是基于一种非人类腺病毒和另一种使用辅助剂(ADJUVANT)制成的疫苗. 巴斯德研究所则长期从事把爱滋病基因引入到麻疹疫苗的技术研究,即合成载体技术. 参加该项目的还有比利时根特大学等4个欧洲研究所和大学.

adjuvant 单语例句

1. He added Hong Kong's swine flu vaccine supply does not have added adjuvant.

2. Some vaccines have adjuvant added because it increases the antigenic response so you don't need to use as much antigens to get the same reaction.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. Nabarro added some research is underway to work on an adjuvant that can be taken with the vaccine to help lower the dosage needed.

4. The right adjuvant would make a flu vaccine effective against a broader range of virus strains.

5. The ingredient acts as an adjuvant, a substance used to enhance the effectiveness of a drug or a pesticide.

adjuvant 英英释义


1. an additive that enhances the effectiveness of medical treatment


1. enhancing the action of a medical treatment

    e.g. the adjuvant action of certain bacteria

2. furnishing added support

    e.g. an ancillary pump
           an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism
           The mind and emotions are auxiliary to each other

    Synonym: accessory adjunct ancillary appurtenant auxiliary
