
addicted [əˈdɪktɪd]  [ə'dɪktɪd] 






addicted 基本解释

形容词上瘾的; 沉迷于某种嗜好的


addicted 网络解释


1. 上癮:这本<<燃烧之后>>以前,她还出版过<<性史>>(Sex Chronicles),<<上瘾>>(Addicted),<<摩天大楼>>(Skyscraper)等好几本书,据说已经销了百余版,在公共图书馆的书架上,俨然摆了一大排.

2. 中毒:根据美国某电影门户网站报道,<<中毒>>(Addicted)已确定在9月5日首映. 自影片<>(触不到的恋人)后,这是第二部作为美国版在北美地区上映的韩国影片. 李美妍和李秉宪主演,由朴永勋导演执导的<<中毒>>讲述了一个同时遭遇交通事故后,

3. 沉溺:01 7 Days 七日 | 02 Addicted 沉溺 | 03 Ain't No Mountain High Enough 无论山高路远

addicted 词典解释

1. addicted的意思

1. (吸毒)成瘾的,上瘾的
    Someone who is addicted to a harmful drug cannot stop taking it.

    e.g. Many of the women are addicted to heroin and cocaine...
    e.g. After about three months, I was no longer addicted to nicotine.

2. 入迷的;着迷的
    If you say that someone is addicted to something, you mean that they like it very much and want to spend as much time doing it as possible.

    e.g. I went through about four years of being addicted to video games...
    e.g. She had become addicted to golf.

addicted 单语例句

1. A bad habit can never be justified just because we are too addicted to it.

2. She said almost 60 per cent of male medical professionals in China are addicted to nicotine.

3. He admitted that he might be " addicted " to the Internet.

4. In much the same way that they assist the imprisoned couple, team members help out addicted villagers sent to the rehabilitation centre with their farm work.

5. The woman grew excited as we admitted the tea was something else, and claimed that such tea sets were a favourite of addicted collectors.

6. But the third time was a charm that cast its spell on me, and I became addicted to the concoction that bubbled from that cauldron.

7. Nearly 44 percent parents were worried that Net surfing would harm their children's studies and 42 percent feared they would get addicted to online games.

8. addicted的近义词

8. It specifies that people who use illicit drugs or are addicted to alcohol or gambling should not be employed in posts involving state secrets.

9. But equally shocking and worrying to many parents, teachers and lawmakers is the alarming number of children now addicted to the Internet.

10. People throng to the themed bars after work to spend hours playing the game, some so addicted they even stay overnight.

addicted 英英释义


1. compulsively or physiologically dependent on something habit-forming

    e.g. she is addicted to chocolate
           addicted to cocaine
