
adamant [ˈædəmənt]  [ˈædəmənt, -ˌmænt] 

adamant 基本解释

形容词坚定不移的; 坚决的; 坚硬无比的; 牢不可破的

名词坚硬的物质; <地质>硬石; <诗>牢不可破

adamant 相关例句



1. I am adamant about it.

2. He was adamant that she should not go.

3. She was adamant in refusing to comply with his wishes.


1. She became as rigid as adamant .

adamant 网络解释


1. 亚当和蚂蚁--固执的:8) Tenant:十只蚂蚁找家--房客 | 9) Adamant:亚当和蚂蚁--固执的 | 10) Hermit:何处觅她--隐士

2. 硬石(金刚石或刚玉):actinozoa 珊瑚类 | adamant 硬石(金刚石或刚玉) | adamantine spar 黑褐色的刚玉

3. 硬石:Adamant steel 铬钼特殊耐磨钢 | adamant 硬石 | adamantine drill 金刚石钻机

4. 坚硬:adamancy 坚硬 | adamant 坚硬 | adamantine 坚定不移

adamant 词典解释

1. adamant的解释

1. 坚决的;坚定不移的
    If someone is adamant about something, they are determined not to change their mind about it.

    e.g. The prime minister is adamant that he will not resign...
    e.g. Sue was adamant about that job in Australia.

She was adamantly opposed to her husband travelling to Brussels.
adamant 单语例句

1. adamant的解释

1. Terry is adamant that he should never have been stripped of the captaincy by Capello in the first place.

2. However, she was adamant that the China Red Cross will survive.

3. While the government is adamant in pursuing a crackdown on illegal structures atop village houses, indigenous villagers are furious that the authorities have been overly harsh on them.

4. Christina is also adamant she will continue to wear high heels as her bump expands - because the added height balances out her growing tummy.

5. But the boss was adamant that the female staff continue wearing thin clothing even though more than a third of them had caught a cold.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. They seemed adamant on their right to know if the companies usually with sales in mass volumes were willing to stand on their side.

7. adamant的解释

7. India is adamant that peace talks should follow an incremental path, covering all issues of bilateral contention rather than concentrating solely on Kashmir.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. The flak directed at the Frenchman during the opening weeks has been silenced, but Wenger is adamant he accepts negative reaction as an occupational hazard.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. England's lacklustre performances under McClaren suggested that he never completely won over his squad but he was adamant he always had their complete backing.

10. Despite the added drain on their energy, she remained adamant about the need to fundraise using new methods like marathon running.
