
acutely [əˈkju:tli]  [əˈkjuːtli] 

acutely 基本解释

副词尖锐地; 剧烈地

acutely 网络解释

1. 尖锐地:acute-care 急性病治疗的 | acutely 尖锐地 | acuteness 敏锐

2. 尖锐地, 剧烈地:acute-care || (用于)急性病治疗的 | acutely || 尖锐地, 剧烈地 | acuteness || 敏锐, 剧烈

3. 剧烈地:acute 锐 | acutely 剧烈地 | acutelyshrillystingingly 尖锐地

4. 剧烈地,明显地:shoehorn 把...硬塞进去 | acutely 剧烈地,明显地 | given 已知事物

acutely 词典解释

1. 深深地(感觉到),强烈地(意识到)
    If you feel or notice something acutely, you feel or notice it very strongly.

    e.g. He was acutely aware of the odour of cooking oil...
    e.g. Those tensions have been felt most acutely by women.

2. (感觉、性质)极其
    If a feeling or quality is acutely unpleasant, it is extremely unpleasant.

    e.g. It was an acutely uncomfortable journey back to London.

acutely 单语例句

1. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security is acutely aware of the problem.

2. Acutely aware of trends in the toys and games world, the organizer has ensured that exhibitors cover a comprehensive range of categories.

3. Promoters and marketers are acutely aware of the opportunities on the huge continent where economies are growing rapidly and its citizens are becoming increasingly wealthy.


4. It's a tremendous honour and privilege to be elected for a third term and I'm acutely conscious of that honour and that privilege.

5. acutely的意思

5. Since the poor and migrants suffer many of the negative effects more acutely, it is important to assess their needs properly.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Popular psychology seems to be something acutely lacking among a certain segment of China's celebrities and public service managers.

7. Somalia has some of the world's highest malnutrition rates with one in four children acutely malnourished in the South.

8. When you walk out the door, you'll be more acutely aware what a heritage gem the building is.

9. acutely

9. What China acutely lacks is not only advanced theaters but also management and programming personnel.

10. What it means for the average diner is an acutely tender duck or pigeon.

acutely 英英释义


1. having a rapid onset

    e.g. an acutely debilitating virus

2. acutely

2. in a shrewd manner

    e.g. he invested his fortune astutely
           he was acutely insightful

    Synonym: astutely shrewdly sagaciously sapiently

3. in an acute manner

    e.g. she pitied her sister acutely
           acutely aware

4. changing suddenly in direction and degree

    e.g. the road twists sharply after the light
           turn sharp left here
           the visor was acutely peaked
           her shoes had acutely pointed toes

    Synonym: sharply sharp
