
actually [ˈæktʃuəli]  [ˈæktʃuəli] 

actually 基本解释


副词实际上; 确实; 竟; 事实上

actually 相关例句



1. She looks young, but she's actually 50.

2. Did you actually see him break the window?

3. She was so angry that she actually tore up the letter.

4. Actually it's we that owe you a lot.

actually 情景对话

Setting a Budget & Financial Plan-(建一个预算和财政计划)

A:O.K. So, where do you think we can save more money?

B:Well, we could eat in more. That $300 for entertainment is mostly going to restaurants.

A:Yeah, that’s a good idea, and you like to cook. What about the books?

B:No, I need my books.

A:Come on, if we save more money we can retire earlier, and you’ll actually have time to read all those books you buy.

B:Well, what about the $50 you spent on a shirt? You could’ve gotten something for less.

A:O.K. Let’s compromise, if you agree to only spend $75 on books, I’ll agree to only spend $40 for my next shirt.

B:All right. That sounds fair.

Chatting online-(网络聊天)

A:Do you chat online often?

B:No. do you ?

A:All the time. we actually use it at work. Out boss thinks it’s a better idea to chat online than to talk on the phones.

B:I guess that makes the office a quieter place to work.


B:Do you ever chat with strangers?

A:Sure. I usually go to some chat rooms in the evening.

B:Is it strange talking to strangers?

A:At first it was, but now I enjoy it. They don’t know me, so I can say whatever I want.

B:Is it dangerous?

A:What do you mean?

B:Could they find out where you live or work?

A:Only if you tell them.

B:Do you ever use your real name?

A:Oh, no. I use username.

B:What is it?

A:China girl.

B:That’s original!


A:Are there any tours for the Grand Canyon?

B:There are several tours of the Grand Canyon. Have you been to our Tourist Information Center?

A:No, I haven't. Would you show me where that is?

B:Sure. It's up ahead to your left.

A:I heard that some tours actually go down into the canyon. Is that true?

B:Yes. It's a great way to really see the canyon.In addition, it's great exercise too, since we do a lot of hiking.

A:That sounds fantastic. Where do I go to sign up for that tour?

B:Go inside the Information Center.And tell them you want to go on the tour that goes down into the canyon.You pay there. I have the next group to go down. I'll see you soon then.
      到服务中心去。 跟他们说你要参加到峡谷里去的旅游团。你在那儿付钱。我带的下一个团就是要下去的。回见!

actually 网络解释


1. 实际地:.第五,唯有心理现象是既能意向地(intentionally)存在又能实际地(actually)存在的现象;而物理现象则只可现象地(phenomenally)和意向地存在. 第六,尽管心理现象是多重的、复杂的,但它们总是以一个统一整体的面目而呈现于人的内部知觉;

2. 如今:幸运的是,Win32的内存结构中,每个进程拥有独立的地址空间,因此我们不必担心覆盖其他程序的内存(这个在Win16种是经常遇到的问题). 这也说明了我们如今(actually)可以利用错误对话框中的信息.

3. 事实上:- Blair and I will be there as soon as we can. - Okay.|- Blair和我会尽快赶过去 - 好吧 | Actually...|事实上... | Since my limo's gone, that might be a while.|由于我的车子被开走了 可能还得费点时间

actually 词典解释

1. actually在线翻译

1. 的确;真实地;事实上
    You use actually to indicate that a situation exists or happened, or to emphasize that it is true.

    e.g. One afternoon, I grew bored and actually fell asleep for a few minutes...
    e.g. Interest is only payable on the amount actually borrowed.

2. (用于纠正他人或表示反对)实际上,事实上
    You use actually when you are correcting or contradicting someone.

    e.g. No, I'm not a student. I'm a doctor, actually...
    e.g. 'So it's not a family show then?' —'Well, actually, I think that's exactly what it is.'

3. (礼貌地表达与他人的期待所不同的观点)说实在的,说真的
    You can use actually when you are politely expressing an opinion that other people might not have expected from you.

    e.g. 'Do you think it's a good idea to socialize with one's patients?' — 'Actually, I do, I think it's a great idea.'
    e.g. I would be surprised, actually, if he left Birmingham.

4. (引入新话题)其实,说实在的
    You use actually to introduce a new topic into a conversation.

    e.g. Well actually, John, I rang you for some advice...
    e.g. Actually, let's just read this little bit where you've made them bump into each other.

Note that actually and really are both used to emphasize statements. Actually is used to emphasize what is true or genuine in a situation, often when this is surprising, or a contrast with what has just been said. All the characters in the novel actually existed... He actually began to cry. It can also be used to be precise or to correct someone. No one was actually drunk... We couldn't actually see the garden. You use really in conversation to emphasize something that you are saying. I really think he's sick. When you use really in front of an adjective or adverb, it has a similar meaning to 'very'. This is really serious.
注意,actually和really都用于强调。actually用于强调情况的真实性,往往是在出人意料或跟刚刚所说的话形成对照的情况下使用。例如:All the characters in the novel actually existed(这部小说中所有人物都确有其人),He actually began to cry(他真的哭了起来)。actually也可用于加强准确性或纠正别人。例如:No one was actually drunk(没有人真的喝醉了),We couldn't actually see the garden(我们其实看不到花园)。really可用于对话中强调说话内容:I really think he's sick(我确实认为他生病了)。really用于形容词和副词之前时,意思与very相近:This is really serious (这非常严重)。
actually 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Yet translated into simple business English, they actually mean one thing - diesel.

2. As is customary in China, the government agency and the business corporation are actually one entity with two identities.

3. actually的反义词

3. The reporter who posted the story claimed it was based on inside information and actually was intended to bust the elopement myth.

4. A pumpkin is actually a squash, and the lovely butternut pumpkin is actually a winter weather variety.

5. Some publicity that is supposed to prevent teenagers from smoking has actually aroused curiosity among them by claiming " smoking is a choice only for adults ".

6. Wang was actually giving a positive assessment of the government by writing her letter of appreciation.

7. The new floatplane made by Xiong is still a very small one and its " fuselage " is actually just the seat of the aircraft.

8. By the day's end, we were actually happy to have had such close encounters with fellow travelers.

9. " Actually I was not surprised by this result at all, " he said.

10. actually的翻译

10. By throwing away the coin, the policeman in Shijiazhuang actually told the child to throw away the good tradition.

actually 英英释义


1. used to imply that one would expect the fact to be the opposite of that stated

    e.g. you may actually be doing the right thing by walking out
           she actually spoke Latin
           they thought they made the rules but in reality they were only puppets
           people who seem stand-offish are in reality often simply nervous

    Synonym: in reality

2. in actual fact

    e.g. to be nominally but not actually independent
           no one actually saw the shark
           large meteorites actually come from the asteroid belt

    Synonym: really

3. as a sentence modifier to add slight emphasis

    e.g. actually, we all help clear up after a meal
           actually, I haven't seen the film
           I'm not all that surprised actually
           she hasn't proved to be too satisfactory, actually

4. at the present moment

    e.g. the transmission screen shows the picture that is actually on the air
