
active [ˈæktɪv]  [ˈæktɪv] 

比较级:more active

最高级:most active

active 基本解释

形容词积极的,活跃的,有生气的; 迅速的,敏捷的; 有效的,起作用的

名词[语法]主动语态; 积极分子,活跃的人

active 相关例句



1. She is very active.

2. He is an active member of the club.

3. Mount Vesuvius is an active volcano.

4. He became an active social reformer.

active 网络解释


1. 主动的:例如,主动的(active)数据库可以由外部的时间触发,例如病人相关数据的插入,执行规则,而获得数据. 未来,可能会评估在数据库级别上的以时间推理为基础的完整的约束,例如在数据获取期间就验证数据. 医生和其它care提供者不是数据库专家,

active 词典解释

1. 忙碌的;活跃的
    Someone who is active moves around a lot or does a lot of things.

    e.g. Having an active youngster about the house can be quite wearing.
    e.g. ...a long and active life.

2. (思想等)活跃的
    If you have an active mind or imagination, you are always thinking of new things.

    e.g. ...the tragedy of an active mind trapped by failing physical health.

3. 积极(参与)的
    If someone is active in an organization, cause, or campaign, they do things for it rather than just giving it their support.

    e.g. ...a chance for fathers to play a more active role in childcare...
    e.g. I am an active member of the Conservative Party...

They actively campaigned for the vote.

4. 积极的;主动的
    Active is used to emphasize that someone is taking action in order to achieve something, rather than just hoping for it or achieving it in an indirect way.

    e.g. Companies need to take active steps to increase exports.
    e.g. discouragement from teachers.

They have never been actively encouraged to take such risks.
...the White House says the president is not actively considering such a move.

5. 定期进行的;活动的
    If you say that a person or animal is active in a particular place or at a particular time, you mean that they are performing their usual activities or performing a particular activity.

    e.g. Guerrilla groups are active in the province.
    e.g. ...animals which are active at night.

6. (火山)活的
    An active volcano has erupted recently or is expected to erupt quite soon.

    e.g. ...molten lava from an active volcano.

7. 起化学(或生物)作用的;活性的;有效的
    An active substance has a chemical or biological effect on things.

    e.g. The active ingredient in some of the mouthwashes was simply detergent.

8. active在线翻译

8. (语法中的)主动语态
    In grammar, the active or the active voice means the forms of a verb which are used when the subject refers to a person or thing that does something. For example, in 'I saw her yesterday', the verb is in the active.

active 单语例句

1. It has also designated the year as a Business Promotion Year and has been active behind the creation of a favourable investment environment.

2. Many smaller stocks continued to draw active buying in response to news and speculation.

3. But smaller stocks continued to draw active buying in response to news and speculation.

4. active什么意思

4. " Industrial associations should be more active in dispute resolution by maximizing their unique advantages, " Du said.

5. Heated water at about 40 C gave it a final boost to make it active.

6. Active investigations by the Regional Crime Unit of Kowloon West are continuing.


7. " We've turned off all the air conditioners as an active response to the government's call, " said one waiter in the bar.

8. Beijing has been playing an active and important role in multilateral cooperation on human resources development within the APEC framework over the past two decades.

9. active是什么意思

9. More and more European and American developers are becoming active in the Shanghai market by acquiring all or part of companies that own land.

10. As Chinese companies start to become active players in the global market, their financial needs represent a lucrative business for banks.
