act up

act up [ækt ʌp]  [ækt ʌp] 

act up 基本解释

act up的翻译

(病痛等)复发; 炫耀; 行动倔强; (机器等)功能失常

act up 相关例句

act up在线翻译


1. The dogs acted up when a stranger entered the front yard.

2. The car's engine began to act up.

3. My car has been acting up again.

4. The boy is fond of acting up with him.

act up 网络解释

1. 胡闹,出毛病:35. put one's foot in one's mouth - 祸从口出 | 41. act up - 胡闹,出毛病 | The children started to act up as soon as the teacher left the room. 老师一离开教室,孩子们就闹起来了.

2. 调皮:act up to 遵守 | act up 调皮 | act upon 遵照

3. 运作不正常:13.provided the transport comes though.若果交通顺利的话 | act up=运作不正常 | 14.Hit a sore spot,didnt I? 说到你痛处了,是不是?

4. 发作,尤指疾病发作:acquire a taste 对......有兴趣,开始喜欢 | act up 发作,尤指疾病发作 | add up 加,加起来,加到一起

act up 词典解释
act up在线翻译

1. act up的翻译

1. 运作不正常;出毛病
    If something is acting up, it is not working properly.

    e.g. She was messing with the coffee pot, which was acting up again.

2. (孩子)耍脾气,捣蛋
    If a child is acting up, they are behaving badly.

    e.g. I could hear Jonathan acting up downstairs.

act up 单语例句

1. I can only pray that some of these parents will wake up and begin to act responsibly for a change.

2. GOP Senate leaders said they did not act lightly in asking Craig to give up his leadership posts temporarily.

3. act up的意思

3. Men and women will clean up their sartorial act for the new year.

4. The bankruptcy of an American corporate icon such as GM looks like a compelling case of the US starting to clean up its economic act.

5. act up是什么意思

5. The government has pledged to eventually free up prices, but has been reluctant to act because of inflation concerns.

6. Lawmakers should act to make sure that statisticians never ever come up with statistics that are totally out of touch with reality.

7. Lawmaker Cyd Ho of Civic Act Up said postponement would not solve the problem that now confronted the assembly.

8. And they say they must act to make up for what they have erred by going green.

9. act up在线翻译

9. Someone in America needs to act and step up and take responsibility like Shan Jixiang has in China.

10. Certain Japanese media outlets even resorted to the despicable act of making up stories to create the impression that other countries supported Japan's position.

act up 英英释义

act up什么意思


1. act up的近义词

1. make itself felt as a recurring pain

    e.g. My arthritis is acting up again

2. misbehave badly
    act in a silly or improper way

    e.g. The children acted up when they were not bored

    Synonym: carry on
