
acronym [ˈækrənɪm]  ['ækrənɪm] 


acronym 基本解释


acronym 网络解释


1. 首字母缩略词:<正> 英语中的首字母缩略词(acronym)是由专有名词或说明性短语里单词的首字母组合而成的词. 现代英语中这类词常用作政府机构和政治、经济、社会组织或团体的名称. 由于它们比原词简短,适当使用能使语言表达更加快捷,提高信息交流的效率.

2. 首字母缩写:表现在:缩写(abbreviation),首字母缩写(acronym)和表情符号(emoticon)运用较少,拼写错误较少,缩约(contraction)并不普遍. 但结果显示,即时交流更像口语而不是书面语.

3. 缩写字:西班牙文版(Spanish)的档案开头应该是长像这样:以指令(command)方面举例,比较妥当的用法是第二句的例子:以档案(filename)方面举例,比较妥当的用法是第二句的例子:缩写字(acronym)通常在书中第一次提到时,

acronym 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. (尤用作名称)首字母缩拼词,首字母缩略词
    An acronym is a word composed of the first letters of the words in a phrase, especially when this is used as a name. An example of an acronym is NATO which is made up of the first letters of the 'North Atlantic Treaty Organization'.

acronym 单语例句

1. Mix in a dissertation defense, add a Morse Code of Statistic Acronym.

2. acronym的翻译

2. The current climate raises specters of the Cold War and its doctrine of mutual assured destruction - a doctrine aptly known by its acronym " MAD ".

3. One called for the deaths of more policemen and another used the English acronym ACAB, meaning " All Cops Are Bastards ".


4. The acronym BRIC has since become a key word in observing the current global economy.

5. When one looks closely at the numbers, the heart of the BRIC acronym is the rise in China's resources.

6. acronym

6. SPA is the acronym for Greek phrase Solus Par Aqua meaning'water of health'in English.

7. SPA is the acronym for the Greek phrase Solus Par Aqua meaning'water of health'.


8. As in the offline language, an online acronym may have more than one definition.

9. acronym

9. The robot fighter has been christened Swords, after the acronym for Special Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection Systems.

10. acronym

10. To those who work at NSA the acronym stands for No Such Agency or Never Say Anything..

acronym 英英释义


1. a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name
