
acrimony [ˈækrɪməni]  [ˈækrɪmoʊni] 

acrimony 基本解释

名词激烈; 毒辣; (言语、态度等的)尖刻; 讥讽

acrimony 网络解释

1. 语言/态度的刻薄:8. partisan 党人,帮派,是党派强硬支持者 | 9. acrimony 语言/态度的刻薄 | 10. sell to 说服(某人)接受或采用

2. 言谈刻毒:acrimoniously 毒辣地 | acrimony 言谈刻毒 | acrita 下等的

3. 严厉,辛辣:acrimonious严厉的,辛辣的 | acrimony严厉,辛辣 | bow屈服

4. 刺激性:acrid 辛味药 | acrimony 刺激性 | acroanesthesia 肢麻木

acrimony 词典解释

1. 尖刻的言辞;激烈的争吵
    Acrimony is bitter and angry words or quarrels.

    e.g. The council's first meeting ended in acrimony.

acrimony 单语例句

1. acrimony

1. But the DNC statement did little to mask the acrimony over Kerry's money.

2. acrimony

2. Pakistan became the first team in test history to forfeit a match after the final test against England ended in acrimony and confusion last month.

3. A group of Shiite clerics and prominent town officials received the returning soldiers in a ceremony aimed at putting the acrimony in the past.

4. acrimony的反义词

4. A 2004 law born in acrimony bans Muslim headscarves and other " ostentatious " religious symbols in the classrooms of French public schools.

5. acrimony的反义词

5. There was no sign of the acrimony that has marred the relationship between the two most powerful men in British politics.

6. The two sides had lunch together in a sign that earlier acrimony had eased.

7. But years of acrimony and military tensions have kept it as just an idea.

acrimony 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. a rough and bitter manner

    Synonym: bitterness acerbity jaundice tartness thorniness
