
acknowledgment [ək'nɒlɪdʒmənt]  [ækˈnɑlɪdʒmənt] 


acknowledgment 基本解释


acknowledgment 网络解释

1. 应答:(13) 应答(Acknowledgment) 所有接收器对接收到的报文进行一致性(Consistency)检查.对于一致的报文,接收 器给予应答;对于不一致的报文,接收器做出标志.

2. acknowledgment:ack; 玫举

acknowledgment 单语例句

1. Chirac's acknowledgment of the French state's guilt in the Nazi extermination of Jews in World War II was historic.

2. Guthrie said those developments were offset by Libya's acknowledgment that it was developing its own nuclear program and its decision to abandon the program voluntarily.

3. The show is an acknowledgment of the efforts of young Aboriginal people to protect and pass on their heritage.

4. Moore said Kingsoft's acknowledgment of a mistake does not make her feel better.

5. Chinese parents berate their children because to do anything less would be an acknowledgment that they didn't believe the children were capable of more.


6. Players and coaches will take part in annual training and will have to sign acknowledgment forms that they understand the importance of reporting symptoms.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. They were the first public acknowledgment that investigators consider Jackson's death a possible manslaughter and that Murray is the target of the investigation.

8. US acknowledgment on Tuesday that bin Laden was unarmed when shot dead had raised accusations Washington had violated international law.

9. It is a book unsparing in its acknowledgment of sin and unstinting in its belief in the possibility of grace.


10. Analysts welcomed Bernanke's forthright acknowledgment of the dangers faced by the US economy, which some fear may have already slipped into recession.

acknowledgment 英英释义


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. a statement acknowledging something or someone

    e.g. she must have seen him but she gave no sign of acknowledgment
           the preface contained an acknowledgment of those who had helped her

    Synonym: acknowledgement

2. acknowledgment的近义词

2. a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage

    e.g. the student's essay failed to list several important citations
           the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book
           the article includes mention of similar clinical cases

    Synonym: citation cite credit reference mention quotation

3. the state or quality of being recognized or acknowledged

    e.g. the partners were delighted with the recognition of their work
           she seems to avoid much in the way of recognition or acknowledgement of feminist work prior to her own

    Synonym: recognition acknowledgement
