
accusing [əˈkju:zɪŋ] [əˈkju:ziŋ] 





accusing 基本解释



动词指责,谴责,控告( accuse的现在分词 )

accusing 网络解释

1. 责难的:accuser 原告 | accusing 责难的 | accusingly 责难地

2. 责难的, 问罪的, 归罪的:accuser || 原告 | accusing || 责难的, 问罪的, 归罪的 | accusingly || 责难地

accusing 词典解释

1. 谴责的;指责的;责备的
    If you look at someone with an accusing expression or speak to them in an accusing tone of voice, you are showing that you think they have done something wrong.

    e.g. The accusing look in her eyes conveyed her sense of betrayal.

'Where have you been?' he asked Blake accusingly.
accusing 单语例句

1. The French coach seemed to be particularly angered by United midfielder Darren Fletcher's challenges but stopped short of accusing the Scot by name.

2. The disgruntled Spaniard then slammed the Hawkeye line calling system, accusing it of costing him the first set.

3. accusing

3. Prosecutors on Monday attempted to add to these charges by accusing Chen and his wife of involvement in another trafficking operation.

4. Many people reacted angrily after seeing images of the performance online, with some accusing Zhu Yongsheng of child abuse.

5. accusing

5. Bryant is the defendant in a civil lawsuit accusing him of rape.

6. accusing

6. Many Chinese cooks in the United Kingdom are infuriated by the clampdown, accusing the Europeans of having no knowledge about the art of cooking Peking duck.

7. accusing的翻译

7. Authorities closed the paper briefly in February after it published an article accusing state security personnel of cracking down on government opponents.

8. accusing是什么意思

8. Qin also dismissed allegations yesterday that China was involved in worldwide computer espionage, accusing the report's authors of being " possessed by the Cold War ghost ".

9. But these cooperations had triggered criticism from some countries, with some accusing China of practicing " new colonialism " in Africa.

10. Now Henan Baofeng Wine Co has filed a suit with the Beijing Second Intermediate People's Court accusing the ministry of unlawful administrative behavior.
