accumulation fund

accumulation fund [əˌkju:mjəˈleɪʃən fʌnd]  [əˌkjumjəˈleʃən fʌnd] 

accumulation fund 基本解释
accumulation fund 网络解释

1. 公积金:它也处理基本口粮(quota grain)、公积金(accumulation fund)与公益金(welfare fund)[1]的分配. 生产队拥有土地,小型的农机与其它农具. 在1978年人民公社制度解体之前,全国有52781个公社、690000个大队,以及4816000个生产队(中国社会科学院农村发展研究所,

2. 公积金;积累基金:accumulation factor 累积系数;复制终值;累积算式 | accumulation fund 公积金;积累基金 | accumulation trust 储蓄信托

3. 的翻译:Accumulation fund的翻译: | Accumulation fund相关词的翻译: | 公积金:public accumulation fund

4. 相关词的翻译:Accumulation fund的翻译: | Accumulation fund相关词的翻译: | 公积金:public accumulation fund

accumulation fund 单语例句

1. accumulation fund的翻译

1. The housing accumulation fund can be reclaimed by workers when they purchase a home.

2. Under the accumulation fund rules, factories need to pay 12 percent of an employee's salary into the fund.

3. An officer with the Beijing Housing Accumulation Fund said the government is investigating the matter.

4. The measure requires public companies to follow the corporate law that forbids using the capital accumulation fund to cover losses from the mergers and acquisitions.
