account number

account number [əˈkaunt ˈnʌmbə]  [əˈkaʊnt ˈnʌmbɚ] 

account number 基本解释


account number 网络解释

1. 帐号:首先想要申请操作的人, 历往信用都要非常良好, 并有一定的资产证明, 才有资格参与 [美国联邦储备局] (FED) 审核, FED 给予通过审核者一个帐号 (Account Number), 我们称这些经手人 (Facilitator) 或单位 (Entity) 叫 TRADER.

2. 账号:作业内容: 编写程序实现简单的银行账号管理:银行账号包括以下信息:账户姓名(owner name),账号(account number)及本金(balance), 账户可以作存款,取款,查询操作,程序实现以下功能:2、存款(deposit)及取款(withdraw)分别用两个子函数实现,

3. 帐户号:国内可以往你的支票帐户上汇钱,支票本上有两组号码,一组是你的帐户号(account number),一组是开户行号(bank routing number),跟你的银行问清楚, 要把两组号码都报给家里才能汇款.

account number 单语例句

1. Keep a record of your account numbers, their expiration dates and the card company's phone number in a secure place.

2. He said foreigners still account for the majority of Ascott's customers in the southern region, though the number of domestic guests has been increasing.

3. Its number of shares will account for one third of the total CMB put warrants currently in circulation.

4. A number of spectators and police were reported injured, but no official account was given.

5. A number in Singapore and Malaysia migrated to Western countries on account of this.

6. account number什么意思

6. It is true that the number of officials convicted on corruption charges account for a very small proportion among their ranks.

7. The stack of cards represented your popularity - in the same vein as the number of friends on your Facebook or micro blog account.

8. account number的近义词

8. A growing number of suggestions filed by legislators talk about changing funeral practices to take account of environmental protection.

9. account number是什么意思

9. And the number for absolute poverty would be around 100 million if the World Bank parameter of $ 1 a day is taken into account.

10. She phoned the number and a person asked her to transfer the money to a particular account.
