
accidental [ˌæksɪˈdentl]  [ˌæksɪˈdɛntl] 


accidental 基本解释

形容词意外的,偶然(发生)的; 附属的

名词偶然; 次要方面

accidental 相关例句



1. We must never let any accidental success go to our heads.

2. Our meeting was quite accidental.

3. Breaking the vase was purely accidental; she did not mean to do it.


1. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause.

accidental 网络解释

1. 偶然的:注意形式又可以分为本质的(essential)和偶然的(accidental),所以这个印像既保留了物体的本质性也保留了它区别于其它东西的地方. 自然这个印像来源于客观的物体,所以它的客观性也来源于此. 而到了理性的部分,和上面的原理一样,

2. 意外的:他把他那双意外的(Accidental)眼睛(这是鲁宾梵的话:介于东西方之间的)睁得大大的,好像它们就要把他的鼻尖按到冰凉的镜子玻璃上去一样. 伤害在哪儿?他的眼睛还好使. 光线没让它疼痛. 吞咽正常,一点也不困难. 他没在哆嗦,

3. 临时记号:这些记号总称为临时记号(Accidental). 音程 两个连续或同时发响声音间的距离或高度差别叫做音程. 音程的命名,主要是依照它们在音阶上所具有的级数来计算,在计算时,两个音的本身也计算在内. 这些音程的名称,不管有没有半音变化,

4. 的:接近对等指的是概念甲和概念乙共同含有所有必要的(essential)特征和大多数次要的(accidental)特征,或概念甲包括了概念乙的所有的特征,并且概念乙包含了概念甲的所有必要特征和大部分次要的特征;

accidental 词典解释

1. 意外的;偶然(发生)的
    An accidental event happens by chance or as the result of an accident, and is not deliberately intended.

    e.g. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death...
    e.g. His hand brushed against hers; it could have been either accidental or deliberate.

A policeman accidentally killed his two best friends with a single bullet...
A special locking system means the door cannot be opened accidentally.
accidental 单语例句

1. The fact that capsaicin causes pain to mammals seems to be accidental.

2. accidental什么意思

2. Playboy said she died of natural causes, but a coroner's report said Bridges died of an accidental drug overdose.

3. accidental什么意思

3. Bush said on Thursday he was satisfied with the explanation Vice President Dick Cheney gave about his accidental shooting of a fellow hunter.

4. The study also warned that the dolphins are becoming increasingly threatened by accidental entanglement in fishing nets.

5. Lu blames environmental pollution and factors such as illnesses and accidental injuries for male infertility problems.

6. accidental在线翻译

6. It's not accidental for Zheng to list Shilin in his plan.

7. Heath died of an accidental drugs overdose in his New York apartment in January.

8. However, firemen have been stationed near the site in case of accidental blasts.

9. It would also minimize the risk of accidental infection in blood drawing, said Xiao.

10. Ledger died of an accidental overdose of prescription pills exactly a year ago, at the age of 28.

accidental 英英释义


1. accidental什么意思

1. a musical notation that makes a note sharp or flat or natural although that is not part of the key signature


1. accidental的反义词

1. happening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally

    e.g. with an inadvertent gesture she swept the vase off the table
           accidental poisoning
           an accidental shooting

    Synonym: inadvertent
