
abstruseness [æb'strʊsˌnɪs]  [æb'strʊsˌnɪs] 

abstruseness 基本解释


abstruseness 网络解释


1. 难解:abstrusely 难解地 | abstruseness 难解 | abstrusity 难解

2. 奥妙:abstruselyimpalpablyobscurelyunintelligibly 难解地 | abstruseness 奥妙 | absurderroneous 谬

3. 难解, 深奥:abstrusely || 难解地, 深奥地 | abstruseness || 难解, 深奥 | abstrusity || 难解, 深奥

4. 深奥/奥妙:abstrusely /难解地/深奥地/ | abstruseness /深奥/奥妙/ | absurd /不合理的/悖理的/无稽的/荒唐的/可笑的/谬/妄/

abstruseness 双语例句

1. The novel is well-known for its abstruseness and the use of estrangement might be one of the reasons.


2. Take away your abstruseness, u r actually same as others.

3. And the abstruseness secret who can realize?

4. Because of the abstract and abstruseness of his words, I'll explain it from its function, origin and way of existence through the comparison of aesthetics between China and the west.


5. The obscureness and abstruseness sometimes appearing in Donnes love poetry, the paradox seemingly logical yet absurd, and his sophistry with the color of medieval metaphysics make his poetry produce a sense of absurdity.

6. From the Voyage series works I see a real me and the universe, and further verify the abstruseness and perplexity characteristics of life.

7. Classical Chinese poetry is characterized by its terseness in language, abstruseness in meaning, richness in imagery, sharpness in emotion, and distinctiveness in rhyme and rhythm.

8. At present, HGP has become the important project of probing into the life abstruseness of human's birth and oldness and illness and death, and the hopeful project of conquering the human's stubborn-illness, and the prospective project of promoting the development of biological industry.

abstruseness 英英释义



1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. the quality of being unclear or abstruse and hard to understand

    Synonym: obscureness obscurity reconditeness

2. wisdom that is recondite and abstruse and profound

    e.g. the anthropologist was impressed by the reconditeness of the native proverbs

    Synonym: reconditeness abstrusity profoundness profundity
