abstain from

abstain from [əbˈstein frɔm]  [æbˈsten frʌm] 

abstain from 基本解释
abstain from 相关例句


1. Her mother has abstained from wine.

2. Many people abstained from voting.

abstain from 网络解释

1. 戒除,弃权,避开:above-mentioned 上述的 | abstain from 戒除,弃权,避开 | access to 接近;通向...的入口

2. 戒:absquatulation 开小差 | abstain from 戒 | abstain 禁绝

3. 放弃,弃权:1.absentee ballot: 缺席选票(通过邮寄等方式预先投给选举机构) | 2.abstain from: 放弃,弃权 | 3.acceptance: 总统候选人接受政党提名时所作的演讲

4. 避开(免):absolve sb.from 赦免某人的...... | abstain from 避开(免)...... | accommodate sb. with 向某人提供......

abstain from 单语例句

1. During the Ramadan, the Muslims have to abstain from sex and food.

2. abstain from是什么意思

2. Mainland stocks rallied on Monday on speculation the government will abstain from further measures to cool the property market given Europe's debt crisis.

3. Neighborhood officials monitor addicts in the early stage and try to get them to abstain from taking drugs at home for three months.

4. The human rights group also previously called on Hezbollah to release two kidnapped Israeli soldiers and abstain from targeting civilians.

5. You know what to abstain from and the right path to follow, and when to come to the aid of your relatives and friends.

6. The men were instructed to abstain from sexual activity or masturbation for 24 hours before each recorded episode of intercourse.

7. abstain from的解释

7. Researchers at the University of Exeter had 25 regular chocolate eaters abstain from their favorite snack for three days.

8. But he called on civil servants to abstain from drastic action and patiently wait for the ruling of the Court of Final Appeal.

9. Following the town's traditions, most youngsters begin kungfu training during childhood and abstain from excessive drinking and gambling.

10. Tradition requires faithful to abstain from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset during the monthlong observance.
