absolute truth

absolute truth [ˈæbsəlju:t tru:θ]  [ˈæbsəˌlut truθ] 

absolute truth 基本解释
absolute truth 网络解释

absolute truth的近义词

1. 绝对真理:绝对存在之假设与绝对真理(absolute truth)及绝对价值(absolute value)之可能相一致,哲学相对主义对其皆持否定态度,而仅承认相对真理(relative truth)与相对价值(relative value).

2. 眞諦, 第一義諦:absolute space 虚空无为 | absolute truth 眞谛, 第一义谛 | abstention from eating meat 断肉

3. 胜义谛:相对菩提心 relative Bodhi Citta | 胜义谛absolute truth | 世俗谛 relative truth

absolute truth 单语例句

1. absolute truth

1. I know it's a absolute truth that if someone study something just aiming to money, he could not reach the highest level of what he is pursuing.
