absolute majority

absolute majority [ˈæbsəlju:t məˈdʒɔriti]  [ˈæbsəˌlut məˈdʒɔrɪti] 

第三人称复数:absolute majorities

absolute majority 基本解释

absolute majority在线翻译


absolute majority 网络解释

absolute majority

1. 绝对多数:选区划分:当采取单一选区制之际,不管是相对多数(simple plurality)、还是绝对多数(absolute majority),只要选区只有少数族群的自己人、或是族人的人数比非少数族群/外来移入者还要多,那麼,即使没有保障名额[29],也不用担心外人抢走国会席次;

2. 绝对多数,绝对多数:absolute magnitude effect ==> 绝对星等效应,绝对星等效应 | absolute majority ==> 绝对多数,绝对多数 | absolute manometer ==> 绝对气压计,绝对气压计,绝对压力计,绝对压力计

3. 绝对于多数:abortive coup attempt 未遂政变 | absolute majority 绝对于多数 | abstain from voting 弃权

4. 绝对多数,超过半数:absent-minded 心不在焉的 | absolute majority 绝对多数,超过半数 | absolute zero 绝对零度(理论上的最低温度)

absolute majority 词典解释
absolute majority

1. 绝对多数
    If a political party wins an absolute majority, they obtain more seats or votes than the total number of seats or votes gained by their opponents in an election.

absolute majority 单语例句

1. Unless one candidate gains an absolute majority of votes, the lowest ranked city drops out and a new round of voting is made.

2. It said the absolute majority of Beijingers upheld the ban, and suggested it should extend to more public facilities including workplace and even streets.

3. Jin noted that the enactment came at a time when the LDP enjoys an absolute majority in both houses of parliament.

4. But the resolution adopted on Wednesday calls for election by an absolute majority 96 members.

5. Earlier polls had shown Lula with the absolute majority needed to win the election outright in the first round and avoid a runoff.

6. The PSOE would still fall short of an absolute majority in the house and will need to form a coalition government with regional parties.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. Despite their Japanese names and the Japanese dishes they serve, the absolute majority of these restaurants are run by Chinese.

8. absolute majority的解释

8. Before the blasts, the question had centred on whether the PP would win a second consecutive absolute majority.

9. But the winner must have an absolute majority, something election observers said was highly unlikely.

10. According to political analysts, the threshold for securing an absolute parliamentary majority this time stands at around 37 percent.

absolute majority 英英释义


1. (elections) more than half of the votes

    Synonym: majority
