1. 缺勤:或更好 的努力 更高或更低的 组织承诺 离职 缺勤 迟到 偷懒 偷窃图 2 绩效-满意-努力回路 2.6.2 工作满意度与工作退行行为 工作退行行为(withdrawal behaviors)主要包括缺勤(absenteeism)和离职 (turnover)等行为 2.一些研究表明,
2. 旷工:'圣周一(Saint Monday)'指这一天的旷工(absenteeism)现象比较普遍. 周二(Tuesday)好像没有什么别称;有时叫'圣周二(Saint Tuesday)',指持续着周一那种不爱上班的感觉;有时叫它the day before hump day. 周三(Wednesday)被叫做'爬坡日(hump day)',
3. 缺席:在一开始,团体以为获救了(relieved)得以持续运作下去,但长此以往,经过几次聚会以后,团体会开始受不了,而会有打斗(fighting)、长期缺席(absenteeism)及中途退出(dropout)等情况发生.
4. 长期缺席:在一开始,团体以为获救了(relieved)得以持续运作下去,但长此以往,经过几次聚会以后,团体会开始受不了,而会有打斗(fighting)、长期缺席(absenteeism)及中途退出(dropout)等情况发生.
1. (通常指无正当理由、经常性的)旷工,旷课
Absenteeism is the fact or habit of frequently being away from work or school, usually without a good reason.
e.g. ...the high rate of absenteeism.
1. He found that for the victims, the first obvious response to bullying is absenteeism.
2. The doctors'group said absenteeism by doctors and health staff in the same predicament across the country was causing loss of life.
3. Wang was fired Friday from the administration for his absenteeism and for violating rules that bans government officials from operating businesses.
4. absenteeism
4. The study also found worker absenteeism creeps up over time, at a pace of about 5 percent a year over five years.
5. absenteeism什么意思
5. The International Monetary Fund does say that if a flu pandemic were severe, the biggest impact would be due to absenteeism from the workplace.
6. Little wonder most of the members " failed to attend " the scheduled meeting, while members of the public found such " absenteeism " outrageous.
7. The fiery breath of this dragon increases absenteeism, lowers productivity and damages people's health.
8. absenteeism
8. Absenteeism would also cause consumer demand to plummet, reducing business investment and cash flows between countries.
9. A large Australian study showed the more serious the bullying, the greater the incidence of absenteeism.
1. habitual absence from work