abrupt change

abrupt change [əˈbrʌpt tʃeindʒ]  [əˈbrʌpt tʃendʒ] 

abrupt change 基本解释

abrupt change是什么意思


abrupt change 网络解释

1. 突变:Climatic periodicity:气候周期性指相邻的极大和极小值之间的时间间隔是固定的或是几乎是固定的;Climatic discontinuity:气候不连续变化指气候从某一平均值向另一平均值突然而持续的变化,也称气候均值突变(abrupt change).

2. 突然变化:abrasive wheel cutting off machine ==> 砂轮切割机 | abrupt change ==> 突然变化 | abrupt change of voltage ==> 电压突变

3. 切变:突变:abrupt change | 切变:Abrupt Change | 突发公共卫生事件:Public health emergency

4. 突变,突跃:abridged general view 示意图 | abrupt change 突变,突跃 | abrupt change of cross-section 截面突变

abrupt change 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. The abrupt change from severe drought to serious flooding in some southern provinces this summer was a vivid reminder of agriculture's vulnerability to the elements.

2. Some analysts have attributed the abrupt change to the impossibility of the two telecom giants reaching an accord on sharing profits.

3. The abrupt change from prolonged drought to fatal floods is a warning that the threat of climate change is becoming ever more imminent.

4. The word reform is in stark contrast to revolution because it advocates a gradual change, not an abrupt one.

5. European officials said a too abrupt change could trigger instability in international markets.

6. But the abrupt change in calendar is having a major effect on some candidates'strategies.
