1. 光明正大的:above-mentioned 上述的 | aboveboard 光明正大的 | abovedeck 光明磊落地
2. 在甲板上:above ground site 地面发射场 | aboveboard 在甲板上 | aboveboard 在舰船上
3. 率直,光明正大:felt,毡,毛毯,粘结,制毡 | aboveboard,率直,光明正大 | candid,公正,坦白,真实,正直
4. 照直/公开的:abort ;异常中止 | aboveboard ;照直/公开的 | absence ;缺少/没有
1. China and Pakistan have developed relations in an open and aboveboard manner.
1. without concealment or deception
e.g. their business was open and aboveboard
straightforward in all his business affairs
Synonym: straightforward
1. in an honest manner
e.g. in he can't get it honestly, he is willing to steal it
was known for dealing aboveboard in everything
Synonym: honestly