
abominably [ə'bɒmɪnəblɪ]  [ə'bɒmɪnəblɪ] 

abominably 基本解释



abominably 网络解释

1. 可恶地:abominable 讨厌的 | abominably 可恶地 | abominate 痛恨

2. 可恶地, 可恨地, 极端地:abominable || 讨厌的, 令人憎恶的 | abominably || 可恶地, 可恨地, 极端地 | abominate || 痛恨, 憎恶

3. 可恶地,可恨地:19. ratchet up 渐进,一步步地增加 | 20. abominably 可恶地,可恨地 | 21. hard to come to terms with 很难达到妥协(没法理解)

4. 可恶地/可恨地/极端地/令人嫌地:abominable /嫌恶的/可恶的/讨厌的/令人心烦的/糟透的/恶劣/ | abominably /可恶地/可恨地/极端地/令人嫌地/ | abominate /厌恶/痛恨/深恶痛绝/此字后面不可用不定词继之/

abominably 双语例句


1. After abusing you so abominably to your face, i could have no scruple in abusing you to all your relations.

2. Why is me, so abominably...

3. I don't know anyone who could have behaved so abominably.

4. I do not know anyone who could have behaved so abominably.

5. He wanted to know how abominably they could behave towards him.


6. Well, all I know is, that it will be abominably rude if you do not wait on him.


7. Well, all i know is, that it will be abominably rude if you do not wait on him


8. In order to extricate himself from the predicament, he took the simplest course; he lied abominably.


9. Deliberately and abominably disloyal or likely to betray trust or confidence.

10. From her own point of view Barbara had behaved abominably.


11. He behaved abominably throughout the wedding reception.


12. He had insulted Judge Blount, treated him abominably, and Judge Blount, meeting him on the street, invited him to dinner.

13. After abusing you so abominably to your face, I could have no scruple in abusing you to all your relations.

14. The play was abominably acted.

15. You used us abominably ill, answered Mrs. Hurst, in running away without telling us that you were coming out.

16. And he did very abominably in following idols, according to all things as did the Amorites, whom the LORD cast out before the children of Israel.

17. She is abominably rude to keep Charlotte out of doors in all this wind.

18. The problem of remote transmission of gathered faint signal is solved under abominably industrial environment.

abominably 英英释义



1. in a terrible manner

    e.g. she sings terribly

    Synonym: terribly atrociously awfully abysmally rottenly

2. in an offensive and hateful manner

    e.g. I don't know anyone who could have behaved so abominably

    Synonym: detestably repulsively odiously
