名词算盘; <建>(圆柱)顶板
1. <算盘>>杂志:accounting journals 会计杂志 目前各国定期出版的会计和与会计有 关的杂志种类很多, 美国和英国等英语系 国家比较著名的会计杂志有以下 20 种: (1) <<算盘>>杂志(Abacus (2) <<会计>>杂志(Accountancy (3) <<会计师杂志>>(Accountant
2. 珠算:习算为主导学科,尤其重视指算、珠算(abacus)和五五乘法(multiplesoffive),教学题材也以实用为限. 之所以以习算为主导学科,恐有两方面原因:一因罗马人讲求实际的性格,注重记帐的习惯,再加商务和财政的利益很广,所以把算术看得特别重要;
3. 顶板:碗状圆垫板(ECHINUS) 在多立克或托斯卡柱式(ORDER)中,柱身(SHAFT)顶部和柱顶板(ABACUS)之间的坐垫状部分(图159、162). 万神殿/纪念堂(PANTHEN) 供奉众神的神庙(图238、239),或一民族伟人之陵墓或纪念堂(图795).
4. abacus:ab atomenergi computerized user – oriented services; 面向用户的计算机化信息服务系统(由瑞典皇家技术学院和AB Atomenergi公司研制)
5. abacus:automatic block – schematic advanced control user – oriented system; 面向用户的自动图解高级控制系统
6. abacus:automatic batch analysis computer for unstructured statistics; 非系统统计学自动批分析计算机
1. 算盘
An abacus is a frame used for counting. It has rods with sliding beads on them.
1. abacus的解释
1. Both Moody's and Standard & Poor's gave the Abacus deal a AAA rating, the safest rating they offer.
2. Goldman Sachs has denied wrongdoing on the Abacus CDO and said it will fight the SEC's case.
3. danci.911cha.com
3. Developed from the traditional means of calculation with abacus, psychological calculation is to use an abacus mentally and taught to develop children's intelligence.
4. A special calculating tool in ancient China, the abacus has gradually faded away from people's life at a time when computers prevailed.
5. One of the writers used an abacus to calculate the characters'intricate relationships with each other.
6. abacus的解释
6. The China Abacus Museum may be the country's only public museum to give such a comprehensive introduction to this ancient Chinese calculator.
7. abacus
7. Its menu is very simple, inscribed on a giant wooden abacus hanging on the wall.
8. abacus
8. I was in Tokyo more than a decade ago competing against a computer and an abacus.
1. a calculator that performs arithmetic functions by manually sliding counters on rods or in grooves
2. a tablet placed horizontally on top of the capital of a column as an aid in supporting the architrave