
aba [ˈæbə]  [əˈbɑ, ˈɑbə] 


aba 基本解释


aba 网络解释

1. 脱落酸:[3] 脱落酸,(aba)是植物体内存在的一种天然抑制剂,广泛存在于植物器官组织中. 在将要脱落和休眠的组织器官中含量更高,它与生长素,赤霉素,细胞分裂素的作用是对抗的. 它有抑制萌芽和枝条生长提早结束生长的,

2. 美国银行业协会:(十八) 美国银行业协会(ABA)表示,美国第一季消费者贷款违约率由上季的3.22%升至3.23%,按揭贷款违约率由上季的3.03%升至3.52%,透支违约率由上季的1.46%升至1.89%,信用卡违约率由上季的5.52%升至6.60%;ABA首席经济学家James Chessen表示,

3. 阿坝:49 日落时间 2009-05-24 19:56:50 邮政编码 618000 今日天气预报 (11:00发布) 生活指数 健康指数 交通指数 户外指数阴 25℃/ 19℃ 东北风小于3级 紫外线...今天是2009年5月24日 星期日 五月初一 阿坝 (Aba) 城市标识图片征集

4. 美国银行家协会:(中央社华盛顿2008年10月30日法新电)美国银行家协 会(ABA)今天对政府当局施压银行接受「它们没有申 请且也 不需要」的政府资金援助,表达关切.

5. aba:absicisic acid; 脱落酸

6. aba:anti-brain autoantibody; 抗脑抗体

7. aba:australian bankers association; 澳大利亚银行家协会

8. aba:applied behavioral analysis; 适用行为分析疗法

aba 单语例句

1. However, people in Beichuan County and Aba Prefecture were still in blackout.

2. Rescuers failed to locate the climbers after they received the report, and the Aba government has since mobilized more manpower to continue the search.

3. The dogs provided the inspiration the Sichuan native was seeking, the quest for which had brought him to Sichuan's Aba Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture.

4. Qinghai province's Yushu county will receive 10 million and the Aba Tibetan autonomous prefecture of Sichuan province will receive the lion's share of 70 million.

5. About two weeks before Song Ya was spotted, panda researchers saved another wild panda in Aba's town of Wolong.

6. A Buddhist student from the monastery set himself alight on a street in the Aba county on February 27.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. This plan would increase the competitiveness of the young people from Aba, as well as helping solve the labor shortage in the Pearl River Delta region.

8. But crossbreeding has led to the decline of Apis cerana, that largely exists now only in Sichuan province's Aba Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture.

9. aba的近义词

9. ABA policymakers will decide whether to denounce the statements and encourage a legal fight over them.

10. The far western Ganzi and Aba regions of the province that border Tibet are also part of their homeland.

aba 英英释义


1. aba的反义词

1. a fabric woven from goat hair and camel hair

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. a loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth
    worn by Arabs
