a thousand to one在线翻译
1. 千对一, 几乎绝对的, 几乎可以肯定:a thousand and one || 一千零一,无数的, 许多 | a thousand to one || 千对一, 几乎绝对的, 几乎可以肯定 | a throat of brass || 响亮的或尖锐的嗓音
2. 千对一, 几乎绝对的:534a thousand times easier than比...容易千万倍 | 535a thousand to one千对一, 几乎绝对的 | 536a toad under a hammer经常受压迫的人
1. Each time a national flag was raised, more than 90 thousand people stood up as one to pay their respects.
2. At a breeding center in Thousand Island Lake in East China's Zhejiang province, workers transfer sturgeon from one submerged cage to several to provide more growing room.
3. Pennsylvania expects to earn as much as one thousand million dollars a year.
4. Over 20 thousand people around the country have paid respects to Ji since a memory hall was set up in Peking University one week ago.