a poet

a poet

a poet 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Zhou is noted for his imitation of the unique style created by Mao, who was also a poet and calligrapher.

2. Of course, the glorious poet was called upon to act as a press censor himself in 1651.

3. And Li Zhaoxing showed off his charm as a poet when he quoted the poets of Tang Dynasty.

4. One Barbadian who has successfully moulded his cultural heritage into a unique art form gaining resonance worldwide is performance poet JA.

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5. One lived as a poet when forced to labor in the fields and the other became happy with every letter she received from afar.

6. The tradition is basedon a legend that disillusioned poet Qu Yuan jumped into the Miluo River to demonstrate his will to serve the country.

7. A Chinese poet once said that no words could do justice to the sheer beauty of the lotus flower in full bloom.

8. Premier Wen Jiabao recites a poem by Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai with students of Ritsumeikan elementary school in Kyoto on Friday.

9. The great poet eulogized the perfect personality and high moral standard displayed by lotus flowers, a euphemism of himself.

10. In this respect a young poet can master the demands that any future potentially excellent work puts upon him or her.
