a lion in the way

a lion in the way [ə ˈlaiən in ðə wei]  [e ˈlaɪən ɪn ði we] 

a lion in the way 基本解释



a lion in the way 网络解释

a lion in the way是什么意思

1. 拦路虎:apple of one's eye 掌上明珠; | a lion in the way 拦路虎; | The pot calls the kettle black. 乌鸦笑猪黑(五十步笑一百步

2. 困难重重:11. a dark horse 出其不意的获胜者 | 12. a lion in the way 困难重重 | 13. a dog-eat-dog world 人吃人的世界

3. 小狗恋爱 拦路虎:小牛恋爱 初恋 puppy-love | 小狗恋爱 拦路虎 a lion in the way | 虎穴 lion's mouth

4. 挡路虎:11 Separate the sheep from goats. --区分好坏人 | 12 A lion in the way. --挡路虎 | 13 One swallow doesn`t make a summer. --一声燕叫难成夏
