a fine-looking man

a fine-looking man

a fine-looking man 双语例句


1. He is really a fine-looking young man.

2. I am really a fine-looking young man.


3. You are such a fine-looking man that I won't let you leave me again.

a fine-looking man在线翻译

4. A short, stout man of about thirty in white breeches, high boots, and in a batiste shirt, apparently only just put on, was standing in this room. A valet was buttoning behind him some fine-looking, new, silk-embroidered braces, which for some reason attracted Rostov`s notice. The stout man was conversing with some one in the adjoining room.

5. A fine-looking woman; a good-looking man; better-looking than her sister; very pretty but not so extraordinarily handsome- Thackeray; our southern women are well-favored- Lillian Hellman.

6. A fine-looking gentle man sat down in the main dining room of an expensive hotel.

7. I have a fine-looking man friend, his name is the Feng rock pile.
