a bone of contention

a bone of contention [ə bəun ɔv kənˈtenʃən]  [e bon ʌv kənˈtɛnʃən] 

a bone of contention 基本解释


争端; 有争执的问题

a bone of contention 网络解释


1. 争论的原因:64a bolt from the blue晴天霹雳, 意外事件 | 65a bone of contention争论的原因 | 66A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near海内存知己天涯若比邻

2. 争论的问题,争论的原因:a bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳,意外之事 | a bone of contention 争论的问题,争论的原因 | a castle in the airline Spain 白日梦,空中楼阁

3. 争斗的原因:his bark is worse than his bite 心地不如嘴恶 | A bone of contention 争斗的原因 | A luck dog 幸运儿

4. 有争执的问题:fissile adj. 1可进行核裂变的 2易裂的, 可裂的 | belligerent adj. 1交战的; 卷入冲突的 2好战的, 挑起战争的 | a bone of contention 有争执的问题

a bone of contention 单语例句

1. The price of coal has long been a bone of contention between power generators and coal producers.

2. In fact, delayed flights have long been a bone of contention for travellers.

3. a bone of contention什么意思

3. Coal pricing has long been a bone of contention between power generators and coal producers.

4. a bone of contention的翻译

4. The exchange rate issue has long been a bone of contention between China and the US.

5. Rising coal prices have long been a bone of contention between power generators and coal producers.

6. Performance art in China has always been a bone of contention from the day it was first practiced.

7. Rising coal prices have long been a bone of contention between power generators and coal producers in China.

8. But the issue has become a bone of contention between the Supreme Court and the government.

9. The main bone of contention has been GDL's insistence that it be granted a wage deal that is separate from the company's other workers.
