
Yemen [ˈjemən]  [ˈjɛmən, ˈjemən] 

Yemen 基本解释



Yemen 网络解释


1. 也门:相传克而白自古以来,阿拉伯半岛上各方的人,都来朝参克而白,他们有来自叶(也)门(Yemen)的,有来自海达拉毛(Hadharamaut)的,有来自美素不达米(Mesopotamia)的.

2. 葉門:(国际中心/综合报导)叶门(Yemen)一名13岁的女童在家人的安排下,嫁给一名23岁的男子,婚后4天,她就因连日性交,造成性器官撕裂、血崩而死,她23岁的丈夫已被拘押.

3. 门:除了国内的古丝绸之路,亚非路线将会经过大约路线会经中国(China), 哈萨克(Kazakhstan), 伊朗(Iran), 到中东阿拉伯(UAE), 也门(Yemen), 然后到达非洲第一站吉布提(Djibouti)

4. 阿拉伯也门共和国:Yellowstone 1黄河 2 黄石公园 | Yemen 阿拉伯也门共和国 | Yenangyaung 仁安羌

5. yemen:yem; 也门

6. yemen:ye; 也门(域名)

Yemen 单语例句

1. Yemen的解释

1. Hadi called on all political parties to abide by democracy as a means to move Yemen out of its crisis.

2. A civil conflict continues to rage in Libya, and Bahrain and Yemen have also been the subject of uprisings.

3. The cleric had also said in his lectures that democracy would bring a Jewish leader to power in Yemen.

4. The newspaper says the accelerated campaign has occurred in recent weeks as conflict in Yemen has left the government there struggling to cling to power.

5. Western officials say many of the hundreds of foreign jihadi fighters in Somalia come in small boats across the Gulf of Aden from Yemen.

6. Yemen has already tightened security on its coastline to stop Islamist militants infiltrating from Somalia and held talks with a US general on strengthening cooperation.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Yemen has been a focus of American counterterrorism efforts ever since the 2000 Cole attack, in which 17 American sailors were killed by suicide bombers on a boat.

8. There were widespread reports of security officials'collusion in the escape, and experts say Yemen's security and intelligence services are riddled with militant sympathizers.

9. Yemen什么意思

9. One of the bombs mailed from Yemen and found by authorities was routed to London through the UPS hub in Cologne in western Germany.

10. Yemen的翻译

10. Although Saleh is away from Yemen, he is still the president of the country.
