YOB [jɒb]  [jɑ:b] 

YOB 基本解释

abbr.year of birth 出生年

YOB 网络解释

1. 小伙:yo-yo 溜溜球 | yob 小伙 | yock 大笑

2. 伙家好!哇)等奋兴,奇惊示表:!)底见(杯干!pusmottoB | !伙家好!哇)等奋兴,奇惊示表(!yoB | . 則規反;#?.selurehtkaerB

3. 友好:双子河 SEB 2222 | 友好 YOB 2223 | 红山 VSB 2226

4. 粗人,笨人:snob 势利小人 | yob粗人,笨人 | cub不懂事的小家伙

5. yob:year of birth; 出生年份

YOB 词典解释

1. YOB的反义词

1. 野小子;粗鲁的男子;小无赖
    If you call a boy or a man a yob, you disapprove of him because he behaves in a noisy, rude, and perhaps violent way in public.

    e.g. Violent and dangerous yobs deserve to be locked up.

YOB 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Identify theft has overtaken the " yob culture " as the top safety concern for British women, a survey shows.

2. YOB的翻译

2. Some 44 percent of those polled said they were concerned about yob culture.
