
Weltschmerz [ˈveltʃmeəts]  [ˈveltʃmerts] 

Weltschmerz 基本解释
Weltschmerz 网络解释


1. 忧世:welthashaunng 世界观 | weltschmerz 忧世 | wench 私通

2. 悲观的:原始語 ursprache | 悲觀的 weltschmerz | 木片拼花 intarsia

3. 悲观,厌世:cascade小瀑布 | weltschmerz悲观,厌世 | gavel法官用小木槌

Weltschmerz 双语例句

1. In his pocket scraps of paper containing prescriptions for Weltschmerz.

2. Perhaps at that very moment they were in a brighter mood than pessimistic, for they found for each other someone to talk to and to share their weltschmerz.

3. He was referring to Hamlet, a character he thought had taught the world a new kind of unhappiness—the unhappiness of eternal disappointment in life as it is, Weltschmerz.


4. The amount of human tragedy Kissinger saw around him during his formative years accounts for his being a man given to occasional melancholy or perhaps Weltschmerz, and for being a convinced pessimist beneath a certain playfulness and levity.

5. He was either of a morbid and enormously unbalanced spirit, or else he was affecting merely the fashionable Weltschmerz of his decade.
