
Venezuela [ˌvenə'zweɪlə]  [ˌvenə'zweɪlə] 

Venezuela 基本解释


Venezuela 网络解释

1. 委瑞內拉:珍珠的分类是根据它们的产地的:1.巴西(Brazil)珍珠2.哥伦比亚(Columbia)三色珍珠3.委瑞内拉(Venezuela)珍珠

2. 委内瑞:[委内瑞(Venezuela)拉]水洗的秘鲁豆,以中部的婵茶玛悠(Chanchamayo)与南部的库斯科(Cuzco)最着名,另外北部也有一些不错的有机咖啡. 秘鲁豆有柔和到锐利的酸味,单薄到中等的质感,滋味与香气颇佳,是很好的综合品成份.

3. 美洲 委内瑞拉:安赫尔瀑布位於南美洲委内瑞拉(Venezuela)和盖亚那(Guiana)的高原密林深处. 在委内瑞拉东南部玻利瓦尔州(Bolivar State)的卡奈玛国家公园(Canaima National Park)内. 瀑布的源头是丘伦河(Churun),自平顶高原奥扬特普伊山(Auyan Tepui)直流而下,

Venezuela 单语例句

1. Moros said that Venezuela questions the legitimacy of the arms embargo placed on Libya through Security Council resolution 1970 and strengthened by resolution 1973.

2. Venezuela's state oil company PDVSA has activated an emergency plan to tackle the leak, local media reported.

3. Venezuela

3. Venezuela increased its military presence at its most active border zones with Colombia after 10 people were killed in this region last Saturday.

4. He said he and members of a presidential commission were redrafting it so that capitalism in Venezuela " finishes dying " to make way for socialism.

5. Venezuela now props up Cuba's fragile centrally planned economy with its oil supplies.

6. Its first job will be to certify the reserves in Venezuela's Orinoco Petroliferous Strip.

7. " The whole world knows a true democracy is in motion here in Venezuela, " Chavez said after voting at a school where cheering supporters greeted him outside.

8. No one can speak vulgar words to deny Venezuela's chief of state the right to speak.

9. China would supply US $ 4 billion with Venezuela chipping in the remaining US $ 2 billion.

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10. Venezuela's Civil Protection Authority said the quake had caused alarm but there were no reports of damage or casualties.
