VII 基本解释
罗马数字 7;
VII 网络解释


1. 七:八十五(iii) 蕨类植物(芒)八十五(vii) 赏果植物八十五(viii) 赏花类植物(第八十五(i)至(vii)除外)八十六(iii) 蕨类植物(芒)八十六(vii) 赏果植物八十六(viii) 赏花类植物(第八十六(i)至(vii)除外)八十七(iii) 蕨类植物(芒)八十七(vii) 赏果植物八十七(

2. 内容:(iv) 利用本服务作促销、传销、直销、广告信函、垃圾邮件、连锁信件、滥发邮件、问卷调查、比赛等用途或发送任何含有商业性质之讯息; (v) 传送或上载任何含病毒的程式; (vi) 传送或上载任何违反知识产权、侵犯他人私隐或声誉、商业秘密之内容; (vii) 盗用他人身份或他人户口使用本服务;

3. 国际信货:特别提款权 Special Draw Right, SDR | VII.国际信货 | 储备部分贷款 Reserve Tranche

4. 询问天气状况:----Hamburgers and orange juice. ----汉堡包和橙汁. | VII 询问天气状况. | 1, ----What's the weather like in Beijing? ----北京的天气如何?

5. vii:viscosity index improver; 粘度指数改进剂

VII 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The manager of a restaurant close to the center said business had never been so good since the Shenzhou VII mission began on Sept 25.

2. VII的解释

2. Huang explained that Shenzhou VII was a complicated program that needed careful tests and trials, but promised that China was fully capable of tackling all technological problems.

3. The new resolution would invoke Chapter VII of the UN Charter, making compliance mandatory and punishable by sanctions if violated.

4. When the astronaut of Shenzhou VII walks outside the spacecraft, he will hold the handrails with one hand and conduct operations with the other.

5. The resolution acts under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, making it militarily enforceable.

6. Chinese astronauts have already carried out extravehicular activity during the Shenzhou VII mission last year, signaling a good start of the manned space program's second phase.

7. The extravehicular activities were completed in 2008 as astronaut Zhai Zhigang did a space walk out of Shenzhou VII spacecraft.

8. Shenzhou VII will carry three astronauts into space and will feature China's first ever space walk.

9. VII什么意思

9. Shenzhou VII will go into orbit an estimated 583 seconds after liftoff tonight.

10. The author herself writes in longhand, a preference that led to a rather amusing delay in Potter VII last April.
