
Utopia [ju:ˈtəʊpi:ə]  [juˈtopiə] 


Utopia 基本解释


Utopia 网络解释

1. 世外桃源:在天堂,由于是享受福报,所以要营造和乐的气氛(Vibes ),不论是道路的规划、居住区域的设置、世外桃源(Utopia)的地点,都要以便民为准. 一切让他们舒服为原则. 但在地狱中却截然不同,其灵魂到这里是要受罚的,道路要尽量崎岖难行,

2. (英文直译:乌托邦) 白日梦天天做:Temptation英文直译:诱惑不确定的诱惑总是很多. | Utopia英文直译:乌托邦白日梦天天做. | Vacuous英文直译:茫然的无所事事的闲逛.

Utopia 词典解释

1. 乌托邦;理想国;理想的完美社会
    If you refer to an imaginary situation as a utopia, you mean that it is one in which society is perfect and everyone is happy, but which you feel is not possible.

    e.g. We weren't out to design a contemporary utopia.
    e.g. ...the writer in search of utopia.

Utopia 单语例句

1. They had lived in this utopia untroubled by the further course of history in peace and harmony ever since.

2. The other is performing the farce " In Peach Blossom Land, " lampooning the fabled utopia of classical Chinese literature.

3. Utopia什么意思

3. Chinese mythology has its own version of Utopia called " Origin of the Peach Blossom ", which represents the ultimate artistic pursuit of human existence.

4. We are not living in a utopia and should not assume the best intentions of every passerby.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. Meanwhile, Zhu Wei's Utopia series uses stereotyped faces to satirize social phenomenon.

6. Unhinged yet unshakable, he's obsessed to the point of shunning reality in his pursuit of utopia.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. His Utopia was a place where " a public spirit will rule all under the heaven when the great Way prevails ".

8. However, is the Internet a " utopia " where everyone upholds morality?

9. Utopia

9. As a result, he somehow achieves a sense of verisimilitude for the utopia of his martial arts heroes.

10. Inspirations for Utopia art come from folk stories, ritual ceremonies and respect for tradition and the land.
