1. 突尼西亞:大家是否曾尝过马其顿(Macedonia),以色列(Israel),罗马尼亚(Romania),突尼西亚(Tunisia)等餐酒? 这等产酒国也有挺好的餐酒,而且价廉物美,甚至物超所值!酒的国度可以用花花世界来形容!
2. 非洲 突尼斯:五月天远赴竞技场拍摄MV 豪花25万踩古迹 五月天为了新歌<<为爱而生>>MTV,特地前往非洲突尼斯(Tunisia)中西部的马赫迪耶的联合国世界文化遗产杰姆古罗马竞技场取景,由早上10时拍到黄昏5
3. 突尼斯 突尼斯 非洲:Trinidad and Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥 西班牙港 北美洲 TT | Tunisia 突尼斯 突尼斯 非洲 TN | Turkey 土耳其 安卡拉 亚洲 \\
4. tunisia:tun; 突兀西亚
1. The ministry said Tuesday it rules out a premeditated act against Tunisia.
2. The Chinese embassy in Libya and working groups from Beijing are arranging Chinese nationals to leave Libya by road for Tunisia.
3. In Saturday's quarterfinals, defending champion Tunisia faces Nigeria and Cameroon plays the Ivory Coast.
4. Villa said he was not concerned his height would be a problem against about Tunisia's tall defense.
5. As soon as it was announced, the visit triggered critical comments from the press both in Tunisia and in France.
6. The Egyptian demonstrations shock the Arab world for the second time after the Tunisia's popular protests.
7. Provocative statements agitating demonstrations in Tunisia can still be found on major social networks like Twitter and Facebook.
8. Tunisia was the first Arab country to announce the decision to expel Syria's ambassador and to cut relations with the Syrian government.
9. The expulsion of diplomatic missions of Libya and Tunisia came apparently in retaliation to similar actions taken against Syrian diplomats in those countries.
10. Tunisia sent five flights to Libya on Wednesday and two others before that.