
Tours [tuəz]  [tʊr] 








Tours 基本解释
图尔斯;旅行,观光( tour的名词复数 );巡回比赛[演出等];
Tours 网络解释


1. 图尔:我们选择的路线是从巴黎先到图尔,(TOURS)然后去圣马洛港(ST MALO),接着去圣米歇尔山( MONT ST MICHEL). 关于这座山相信大家都很熟悉,就是在火得一塌糊涂的电影<<达芬奇>>密码里,最后主人公到达的那个海中山顶,仙境一般的修道院.

2. 都尔:傥喀郎(Chalons)之役,都尔(Tours)之军,条顿罗甸败北,匈奴或大食胜者,欧洲荣誉之历史,将随罗马帝国以覆亡. 东方强族,纂承统绪,断不能若日耳曼人仪型先民,与之俱进. 所谓近世文明者,永无望其出于亚细亚人之手;世间之上,

3. 土尔:维京人和他们的长船纵横罗亚尔河和其他内陆河流, 到处攻掠: 843年他们杀死了南特(Nantes)市的主教, 数年后又焚烧了土尔(Tours)城的圣马丁教堂(L'église Saint- Martin), 845年更掳掠巴黎.

Tours 单语例句

1. Tours

1. The band has recorded three albums and in early 2010 and 2011, it carried out two successful tours in Vietnam and Cambodia.


2. France's UMP political party presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy delivers a speech during a campaign rally in Tours on Tuesday.

3. Travel Industry Council Executive Director Joseph Tung said Thailand tours will not resume operations immediately despite cancellation of travel warning.

4. Being the city where ancient foreign businessmen started their China tours with their merchant ships, the Cantonese capital surely has a proud history behind it.

5. Now the deluxe hotel is increasing efforts to capitalize on local tourism resources and attract more travellers for leisure tours.

6. He said there was a 30 percent increase in those tours last year, and he expects the momentum to carry through this year.

7. CCC organizes tours and events that focus more on experiencing China through its culture, less on boozing with backpackers.

8. It is said that public servants above a certain level in Shanghai have the chance to go on publicly funded overseas study tours every year.

9. Tours

9. He advised people who had joined tours to those locations to check with their travel agencies to ask about cancellations or refunds.

10. The Children's Chorus of Washington has achieved world class standing through its stellar performances both here at home and on its national and international tours.
