1. The Times of India on Tuesday splashed its front page with " Quitting buzz grips the capital " despite strong official denials that Singh would quit.
2. Although the picture has been published by the New York Times on its front page, the caption made no mention of the attack by the rioters.
3. Pictures showing the couple with Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou often made to the front page of leading newspapers.
4. On its front page O Dia daily published a picture of Adriano making the initials'CV'with his fingers.
5. " Speechless " in large font even appeared on one front page in response to China's perennial flop on the international stage.
6. In those days, the newspaper usually had at least two world stories on the front page.
7. Both papers gave front page coverage to the news that the former England man has again spent time at the hairdressers.
8. " Killing laxity, " The Hindustan Times splashed on its front page.
9. " The Girl on the Front Page " is typical of such films.
10. The Front Page的解释
10. The British daily Financial Times on Wednesday reported on its front page that two individuals have registered at least 60 renowned Chinese trademarks in Canada.