
Telemachus [tiˈleməkəs,tə-]  [təˈlɛməkəs] 

Telemachus 基本解释
<希神>忒勒马科斯(Odysseus 和Penelope之子);
Telemachus 网络解释


1. 忒勒瑪科斯:斗士的表演一直持续到第五世纪,直到一位僧侣忒勒玛科斯(Telemachus)看不过去,跳入竞技场中阻止格斗者和群众的残暴,这些人应该都是挂名的基督徒. 却未料到自己当场被群众寻欢,拿石头将他打死,只因为干扰了他们的游戏. 于是皇帝下令停止这种场面,

2. 铁列玛科斯:Theodorus 铁奥多洛斯 | Telemachus铁列玛科斯 | Tbeomestor提奥美司托尔

3. 特勒马库斯-选自王以欣<<神话>:Telamon 忒拉蒙-选自王以欣<<神话>> | Telemachus特勒马库斯-选自王以欣<<神话>> | Telepinu 忒勒皮努-选自王以欣<<神话>>

Telemachus 双语例句

1. Prepare together with anyone who is playing the same role as you in Telemachus.

2. Pick up your role in Telemachus, for next week. Please prepare with someone who has the same role.
    请准备下周在 Telemachus 个案中所扮演的角色,并请与扮演相同角色的同学一同准备。

3. The Greek concept of sacred hospitality is illustrated in the story of Telemachus and Nestor.

4. The subject is Telemachus being knighted by Minerva in some gardens, the name of which escapes me.

5. When Telemachus arrived to visit Nestor, Nestor was unaware that his guest was the son of his old comrade Odysseus.

6. She informs him that Telemachus has gone in search of news of him and gives him the appearance of an old vagabond so that no one will recognize him.
