
Tangier [tænˈdʒiə]  [tænˈdʒɪr] 






Tangier 基本解释
丹吉尔;味道浓烈的,气味浓重的( tangy的比较级 );
Tangier 网络解释

1. 丹吉尔:注10:丹吉尔(Tangier)是北非摩洛哥西北区的一个省,它的省会也有同名. 丹吉尔市濒临直布罗陀海峡的一个海湾,自从西元前十世纪起,就是腓尼基人的贸易城,罗马人也曾占领过此地. 注12:伊斯兰教规定,在每年教历九月也就是赖买丹月(Ramadan)要持戒,

2. "摩洛哥":利用雷诺和日产彼此最好的经验,联盟的伙伴将在印度(Chennai)和摩洛哥(Tangier)首先使用联盟共通程序或者联盟集成制造系统(AIMS).

3. 坦吉尔:我和乔治打算去国王在坦吉尔(TANGIER)的寝宫附近走一走,来到街上正好是开禁时间. 街上行人不多. 几个卖饮料的街头小贩正在分食一些甜食和汤. 看到我们走近,一个小贩一瘸一拐地拿着一盘甜点,邀请我们一起进食. 我们推辞不过,

Tangier 双语例句


1. Tangier is the spot we have been longing for all the time.


2. Tetouan, about 1 hours drive west of Tangier, has an international airport that is little used.

3. A team in the United States has found the chemical compounds can tangier and inneeded for the survive of Schistosoma.

4. In 1932, during the Spanish civil war, he took up residence in Tangier.

5. The tangerine is a type of mandarin orange, so in fact the oranges shipped from Tangier could have been called mandarins.
    丹吉尔柑橘确为一种中国柑桔种类,所以事实上从丹吉尔运出的那批桔子在当时可能就被称为 mandarin。


6. The decayed grandeur of today still has much to offer and slowly Tangier is regaining its splendor as an attractive tourist destination.


7. I was in a market in Tangier and bingo! I found this.

8. It is just an hour's drive from Tangier in the Rif mountains.

9. The villa is situated on a cliff five minutes uphill from downtown Tangier, overlooking the Strait of Gibraltar and the southern coast of Spain.

10. Visit different environments and places, including Moscow, London, Tangier, and New York City!

11. Catch a car ferry or high speed catamaran from the ports of Algeciras or Tarifa, and within 35 minutes you will find yourself at Tangier, the gateway to you`re an exciting new world.


12. Many visitors will be find its vibrance overwhelming, but the best way to see Tangier is to simply allow yourself to be swept away in it.


13. The first tangerines were shipped from Tangier to Europe in 1841.


14. It is just an hour`s drive from Tangier in the Rif mountains.
