
Sudra [ˈsu:drə]  [ˈsudrə] 

Sudra 基本解释
Sudra 网络解释

1. 首陀罗:印度语/印地语(HINDI)活跃于印度中至北部, 和英语同是官方语言; 其他比较大的语系有西孟加拉语, 喀什米尔语, 旁遮普语, 拉贾斯坦语, 乌尔都语, 喀拉拉语等.把人划分为婆罗门(BRAHMANA), 刹帝利(CHHETRI), 吠舍(VAISYA), 首陀罗(SUDRA)四等的种姓制度是存

2. 首陀:而达拉维荼人也是被后来印度阿富汗人(说阿利安语)所排斥,印度社会5个等级中,他们只比贱民为好,只能当商人和工人、农人,即吠舍(Vaisya)和首陀(Sudra). 吠舍是第三等级,首陀是第四等级. 但达拉维荼当上吠舍的不多,且多降为贱民.

3. 苏德拉:Sudaifee pearl 斯泰菲珍珠 | Sudra 苏德拉 | sugar stone 糖块石

4. 舒都茹阿(戍陀):Spiritual world 灵性世界 | Sudra 舒都茹阿(戍陀) | Supersoul 超灵

Sudra 双语例句

1. With sudra face and worn brow, black, but in the depths of my heart

2. Me: I`m so surprised, there are so many sudra people, why did they suffercaste system?

3. But for the sake of the prosperity of the worlds he caused the Brahmana, the Kshatriya, the Vaisya, and the Sudra to proceed from his mouth, his arms, his thighs, and his feet.
    但是,为了繁荣的世界,他造成了梵书的刹帝利的Vaisya ,并著手桃一点从他的嘴里,他的手臂,他的大腿,他的脚。


4. One occupation only the lord prescribed to the Sudra, to serve meekly even these three castes.

5. Sri Ramakrishna did not at first approve of Ramkumar's working for the sudra Rasmani.

6. During the ceremony of investiture he shocked his relatives by accepting a meal cooked by his nurse, a sudra woman.


7. The despised Sudra stood on a footing of equality with the high-born Brahmin.

8. The actions of a vaisya born of his own nature are agriculture, cow protection and trade; also the actions of a sudra born of his own nature consists in services to brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas.

9. A sudra may prove to be a great warrior, but he will never be allowed.

10. The temporal, spatial and two-dimensional niche breadth and overlap of Tetranychus viennensis Zacher, Erythroneura sudra Distant and their major natural enemies were studied in Shandong.


11. The peach leafhopper (Typhlocyba sudra) is one of the important insect pests of peach tree in Guiyang.


12. Occurrence of Typhlocyba sudra and its Control in Guiyang

13. The population dynamics and spatial distribution pattern of Erythroneura sudra
