
song [sɒŋ]  [sɔ:ŋ] 


song 基本解释

名词歌曲; 歌唱(艺术); 诗歌,韵文; 鸟叫声,鸟语

song 相关词组


1. nothing to make a song about : 不足道, 不重要;

2. for a song : 非常便宜地;

song 相关例句


1. We raised our voices in song.

2. He was awakened by the song of birds in the trees.

3. The restaurant was offered at a song.

song 情景对话



B:How's life these days?

A:Mmmm, OK. And you?

B:I've been working on some song lyrics.

A:I'd like to have a look at them sometime.

B:Mmm, well, maybe you could come to Hsinchu.

song 网络解释

1. 乐曲:最终音效(Total Effect)是处理左右总输出专用的. 最终音效适合对整个混音施用的音效种类,如压缩、限幅、均衡等. 自动乐曲设置(Auto Song Setup)功能会将当前声程、组合复制至一首乐曲(Song),再使M3进入准备录制模式.

2. 歌:而凡是一个真正主义者,基于此一认识,无不把'诗'(Poem)与'歌'(Song)分清得一干二净的:'诗'是'文学','歌'是'音乐'. 因此,我们不说'诗歌'. 而一个'歌词作者',并非'诗人'之同义语. 传统诗的作者,往往知其然而不知其所以然;

3. song:satellite for orientation navigation and geodesy; 导航和大地测量卫星

song 词典解释

1. 歌;歌曲
    A song is words sung to a tune.

    e.g. ...a voice singing a Spanish song.
    e.g. ...a love song.

2. 歌唱艺术
    Song is the art of singing.

    e.g., music, mime and song.
    e.g. ...the history of American popular song.

3. (鸟儿的)鸣啭,鸣叫
    A bird's song is the pleasant, musical sounds that it makes.

    e.g. It's been a long time since I heard a blackbird's song in the evening.

4. see also: birdsong;song and dance;songbird;swan song

5. 放声歌唱
    If someone bursts into song or breaks into song, they start singing.

    e.g. I feel as if I should break into song.

6. 用很便宜的价钱(买下);非常便宜地
    If you buy something for a song, you buy it for much less than its real value.

    e.g. We found two second-hand chairs that were going for a song.

7. 竭尽全力,鼓足劲头,处于良好的竞技状态(新闻用语,形容运动员)
    Journalists sometimes describe sports players as being on song when they are playing really well.

    e.g. Ward is not the most consistent of players, but when he is on song he looks a world-beater.

song 单语例句

1. Song then travelled to Beijing by train and was hospitalized after being diagnosed with pneumonia at Li's hospital on March 29.

2. " They remind us of a bygone but important period in Chinese art education, " says Song.

3. song

3. The first features the display of 41 Song - and Yuan - dynasty calligraphic works and paintings not yet shown outside the Palace Museum.

4. " Geographic and cultural proximity " brings together China and Cambodia, Song said.

5. Its importance grew with the establishment of the Southern Song capital at Hangzhou in 1127, when overseas trade to and from the capital flowed through Ningbo.

6. An initial investigation showed that Song had set the fire while trying to destroy evidence that the plant provided industrial gelatin to capsule production companies.

7. Song was the general agent for Pierre Cardin in China and the manager of Maxim's restaurant.

8. song什么意思

8. One performance won't even be nearby - the song from " Hairspray " will be performed from a cruise ship in the Caribbean Sea.


9. He named the diamond " Sweet Caroline, " after his wife Carol and their favorite song by Neil Diamond.

10. song是什么意思

10. Song reported the incident to the police and industrial and commercial enforcement officers who are now investigating the case.

song 英英释义



1. the act of singing

    e.g. with a shout and a song they marched up to the gates

    Synonym: strain

2. song的意思

2. the characteristic sound produced by a bird

    e.g. a bird will not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age

    Synonym: birdcall call birdsong

3. song的近义词

3. a short musical composition with words

    e.g. a successful musical must have at least three good songs

    Synonym: vocal

4. a distinctive or characteristic sound

    e.g. the song of bullets was in the air
           the song of the wind
           the wheels sang their song as the train rocketed ahead

5. a very small sum

    e.g. he bought it for a song
