
Qatar ['kʌtɑ:(r)]  ['kɑ:tɑ:r] 

Qatar 基本解释


Qatar 网络解释


1. 卡塔尔:X, 卡塔尔( Qatar) 和巴林在竞争,还要举办亚运会,由所住酒店在到达24小时前担保,可以停留14天,QAR55.-(同行伴侣25卡元). AB, 泰国( Thaailand) 相信很多人都申请过. 1,000泰铢可停留15天,如果没有照片,可以现场照,170泰铢. EF,

2. 卡達:不景气让原本就很热门的空服员工作,现在更是抢破头,卡达(Qatar)航空3月要来台招考空姐,月入5至10万元,21岁以上都可以应考,年龄限制不大,加上福利好,空服员补习班推出的教战课程跟著大爆满,比以往多一成,有28岁的失业族特地从台南北上补习,

3. qatar:qat; 卡塔尔

Qatar 单语例句

1. And Greece will not catch Qatar by surprise, that's for sure.

2. He said Qatar will also set up a call center in Chongqing this June to deal with requests concerning the carrier's China market services.

3. Qatar的近义词

3. I'm truly proud and humbled to carry the Qatar flag among my fellow athletes from all over the world.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. The resolution was passed by 14 votes to one with Qatar casting the only negative vote.

5. Delegates from both Turkey and Qatar favored a diplomatic approach, warning a military showdown is an ineffective solution that may prove catastrophic to the region.

6. Qatar

6. The Chinese civil aviation authority said it will communicate with its counterpart in Qatar on the matter and also inform international civil aviation organizations.

7. The emir also pledged Qatar's contribution to green technologies which can help strike an optimum equilibrium between the need for energy and emission reduction.

8. David was in dominant form from the outset, triumphing in just 34 minutes to claim her fourth Qatar crown since 2006.

9. Qatar is now bidding for the 2020 Games and Olympic officials have allowed a shift in dates to avoid the extreme desert heat.

10. Qatar Airways started to fly to Chongqing in November 2011 as the airline's fifth destination in China.
