1. 菲碧:忒弥斯(Themis):十二提坦之一,秩序和正义女神.宙斯第二位妻子时序三女神之母 菲碧(Phoebe):也称福伯或福碧,十二提坦之一,月之女神勒托与阿斯特瑞亚之母.
2. 月神:5月神(Phoebe)希腊神话中的远古泰坦巨人中掌管月亮的女神. 6特提斯(Thethys)希腊神话中的巨人和.希腊神话的人物和关系 希腊神话包括神的故事和英雄传说两个部分. 神的故事涉及宇宙和人类的起源、神的产生及其谱系等内容. 相传...
3. 非比:15.内奥米(Naomi)名字含有「我的喜乐」,「我的福气」的意思,这是一个16.非比(Phoebe)这名字有如月亮般皎洁的意思. 17.百基拉(Priscilla)的意思是「老旧、老式的简朴」. 18.拉结(Rachel)是雅各布的爱妻,名字的意思是「母羊」,
1. He was the only child of George Hearst and Phoebe Apperson Hearst.
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. The rare Phoebe nanmu wood of the doors and walls was carted north from a peak on Hainan Island under the supervision of Zhou Enlai.
3. Those interested in becoming the next Phoebe must perform two songs from the show and an original song with a guitar.
4. Phoebe的翻译
4. Phoebe Wu opened this cute little shop two years ago, when there was nothing like it in Shanghai.
5. 911查询·英语单词
5. Nutritionist Phoebe Ng said absorption of vitamin C prevents oxidation and damage of cells, while zinc intake improves immunity.