

Peugeot 基本解释
Peugeot 网络解释

1. 第八节 标致:它是汽车安全带的辅助装置,只有在使用安全带的前提下SRS才能充分发挥......) 第三节 宝马(BMW) 第四节 雪铁龙(Citroen) 第五节 菲亚特(Fiat) 第六节 兰西亚Lancia 第七节 奔驰(Mercedes-benz) 第八节 标致(Peugeot) 第九节 绅宝(S

2. 寶獅:[经济日报记者陈信荣/16日电]因应春雨绵绵的梅雨季节,宝狮(PEUGEOT)汽车总代理宝嘉联合推出原厂晴雨窗优惠至5月底止.

Peugeot 单语例句

1. Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen chose Wuhan as a base because of its central location.

2. The Guangzhou Peugeot Co invested by CITIC was China's first project with capital injection from some noted global financial institutions including the World Bank.

3. While Peugeot said the investment figure stood, the company was rethinking the rate at which new capacity would come on line.

4. Peugeot said on Dec 3 it's holding exploratory discussions that could lead to the purchase of a Mitsubishi stake.

5. Peugeot的近义词

5. French carmaker PSA Peugeot Citroen's joint venture with Dongfeng Motor recently launched a Peugeot 307 hatchback.

6. According to PSA Peugeot Citroen's 2006 interim report released in July, the venture aimed to earn 100 million euros in operating profit for the full year.

7. Peugeot在线翻译

7. French carmaker PSA Peugeot Citroen's joint venture with Dongfeng Motor Corp, says it axed costs by 1 billion yuan last year.

8. Peugeot的意思

8. The joint venture has also announced policies to help the Peugeot 508 achieve its individual sales target for the year.

9. Peugeot的解释

9. The industry insider added that light commercial vehicles made at the joint venture will carry the Peugeot or Citroen marque.

10. PSA Peugeot Citroen also failed to modify new models produced with its partner Dongfeng to meet the tastes of increasingly sophisticated Chinese customers.
